Aggghghhgh Shel Silverstein again (and avoiding homework)

Mar 08, 2011 22:40

So... I have an eight-page paper due on Thursday. And a proposal for another one also due on Thursday. And yet... here I am writing an LJ post. >_<

Numero Uno: Another lovely Shel Silverstein poem for you. Gahhhh I love this man.

Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me --
Anything can happen, child
ANYTHING can be.

From Where the Sidewalk Ends, although I don't actually know the title of this poem. I think it's called "Listen to the Mustn'ts".

I think my future classroom will have Shel Silverstein posters. I don't think I'll care that I'm teaching middle/high school.
Anyway... as promised (I know you were all waiting in eager suspense!) here are my thoughts on Lent this year:
1) I kinda wanted to give up meat, just to see if I could. Now I'm thinking that's not such a good plan, given that I'm going home for a week and haven't really given them much notice. Maybe I'll make an effort to eat more vegetarian things in the dining halls and so forth anyway. It's not really for any particular reason, just to see. Plus as I make more and more vegetarian friends, I should probably be more willing to not eat meat in case they cook for me. Also, I feel like I need to get over my fear of tofu. Cooked, anyway. I still don't get how people put large chunks of it raw in their salads. Ewwwww!
2) Instead of giving anything up, I thought of taking on legit going to the gym / riding my bike / seriously participating in Quidditch everyday and using that time to listen to sermons or Christian music. Again with the problem with traveling, but we'll see.
3) What I really should do is give up internet-related things, like facebook and fanfic (not LJ because I believe blogging/journaling is actually very good for me, and not email/chat because that would be bad).
4) Or I could be lame and give up dessert or something. Which is much more likely. Yeah, I think (even though I just bought a huge jar of Nutella) I'm going to give up sweets. *sigh*

Ok. I think I've wasted enough time. Gol-LY I'm unmotivated this week. UGH.


P.S. Another time, I want to write about the conversation we had at Language Link today about Gallaudet and musical instruments. It was interesting.

homework, lent, teaching, poetry

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