
Mar 07, 2011 14:43

I have 15 minutes to kill before I go to tutor. Today's been all over the map. I overslept and was going to be late to Greek, but then I went to the wrong building because the scheduling system here is so weird and we're in a different building on Fridays than Mondays and Wednesdays, and this semester the day-building combination is flipped from last semester and...ugh. But my professor is very tolerant of me showing up late, so it was ok.

And, as I found out last week, apparently the Xenophon texts we've been reading had English translations with them! Totally missed that... anyway, I'm finding those quite helpful now.

Also, when I left my building this morning it was nice outside. Chilly and cloudy, but not terribly cold. When I left Greek / went to econ / went to lunch, it had gotten colder and had begun misting/raining. Which would have been fine but I was wearing my fleece whose pockets don't really keep my hands warm. Then when I left from lunch, it was warmer again (and I'm talkin', like, maybe 40. Which, although it's chilly compared to yesterday's 60, is much warmer than 25.) and now it's sunny!! Yaaaay...

And now I'm sitting in the Ed library just waiting til I can go up and catch the bus to tutoring. I've taken two more books from the Free Books table. I feel kind of bad, taking two at a time, but...they're there...and...I'm>_<

It does make me happy to be building my library, though. Definitely gonna need a bookcase in my room next year. Maybe I'll try to get it over the summer so I can have it in my room at home, too. Not sure where I'd put it, exactly, but I could find a place. And I could really use one too...

*sigh* Well, no matter what else happens this week (ahhhhh psych paper and prelim work for a WR paper...), I'll be happy as long as it continues to smell like spring. That makes everything better. And some sunshine wouldn't hurt, either, but I shouldn't get greedy.

Also, I was supposed to get my last WR paper back yesterday, but BlackBoard went down so I had to send her it again and (hopefully?) I'll get it back tonight.

Ok, finally, it's time to go. Tomorrow I intend to bore y'all (who?) with my thoughts on Lent. Pro tempore, valete!


weather, lent, writing, spring, books, library, greek, sleep

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