
Feb 14, 2011 19:56

 The Christmas fic will have to be put off until either a) I'm lonelier or b) it's snowier outside. I don't think I can write that now. It's all springish!

And by springish I mean it was almost 50º F here today, which is amazing. Still mountains and mountains of snow, but it's gorgeous. There's even a little bit of sun!!

This is going to be a long and somewhat distracted post. You've been warned.

So. The story of this weekend…

Thursday was my birthday. Yay! I woke up late and did not get breakfast, but instead I got a phone call that I did not understand until the words "delivery man…cake for you…you do live at __________ address, right?" Me: "uhhhhh…yeah…be right down…" My parents are cool and had a cake delivered to me. Lots of chocolate nomz. My roommates haven't had any yet, surprisingly. But it kind of takes up a lot of our tiny fridge.

Thennnnn I had class, including Adolescent Development. Yay! Best class of my life, I think. Then the School of Ed had a screening of The Race to Nowhere. That was…good. Pretty depressing movie, but it was a good experience and really got me thinking about my eventual choices both as a teacher and as a parent. One of these days I might devote a post to that movie here in its own right. I've just been a little too scattered to do it lately.

Friday…was Friday. Whoop-dee-do. I had a late lunch and wound up just sitting in the dining hall so long working afterward that I wound up not having to pay for dinner >_<

Saturday, my one roommate had stayed Friday night with her friends, but my other roommate and I woke up to texts from her saying, "My boyfriend is here [from AZ]!!" and "Are you guys up yet? I need come back to our room…" Apparently she woke to a text from him asking how to get to campus from the airport and thought he was having her on. In reality, he and the friend in whose room she'd been sleeping have been in cahoots for a couple of months to get him here secretly. It was very cute. And it was nice to meet him, I guess. Not that I care deeply, but he seems like a good sort of guy. :)

Also his showing up gave me incentive to clean a bit. That was good.

Saturday also I was supposed to go on a field trip with my King Arthur class but I totally forgot and so I didn't. >_< Whoops.

Sunday got up and went to church, had lunch afterward with Tyler and some other ST people, which was fun. Then Quidditch was cancelled because the lacrosse team was practicing on the real field and the one we usually use was iced over. So Z and I sat in the chapel until ST, which was very short, and then we all had dinner. A(noter) friend of Tyler's (this kid makes friends so easily!!) who just started here this year came to join us after a while, so that was fun.

His name is Albert and he's here through CELOP or whatever that English-language thing is called. He's Saudi, and Tyler's learning Arabic, so we had a great number of linguistic and religious discussions. It was really fun, and he's a great guy. Even after Tyler left Albert and I continued to talk. Maybe there will be another post devoted to that as well. Who knows. =P

Ummmmm yeah. Then Monday. Well. I stayed up really late again last night being a dumbbutt, but I made a pretty Valentine's Day post (as you can see below ^_^). I also talked to House because she's also silly and awake at 2 in the morning, and that was fun. I forgot what it's like to have really girly friends. Cuz I don't have many. It was fun ^_^ I can't wait for convention… =P

Then, today, mi care surprise showed up at my school after classes were over with a rose. Nyahhhhhhhh best Valentine's Day gift ever ^_^

Then I went to work, which was fun, although I realized next week's gonna be kinda iffy because the girls (and I) have Monday off, and then they're off Tuesday, but it's a Monday schedule for me so I don't know what's gonna go on. Plus, my grandma will be here Monday and I'm LEAVING FOR CONVENTION on Thursday so that won't really work. All in all, quite a mess. I need to email their parents.

Also it was fun because there was a little free time so I played my Chopin for Nana. It was pretty choppy, and I couldn't remember the last couple sections very well, but they have a Collected Works of Chopin book or something so I found it there. It's nice to know it's not completely out of my fingers. I think I need to take lessons over the summer. (My teacher's piano died yesterday. We're all in mourning.)

Then the Chapel dinner. Yum. Now English paper writing time. *wince* And maybe fixing my internet. Airport seems to be broken, such as at this moment when it says I have 4/4 bars of WiFi but also "You are not connected to the internet" and the connection doctor's done squat. *sigh*

Oh well. Must write and must not fall asleep yet!

weather, cleaning, writing, teaching, church, warm, movies, life, fanfic, piano, valentine's, kids, creative writing, computer, convention, birthday, tired, kitten, house(girl), outside, blog

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