Blahdy Blah...

Feb 09, 2011 23:29

"Indeed, it was even more ridiculous that he should need anyone, and he would continue to avoid his mother's attempts to pair him off, because really, this wasn't Noah's Ark and there was no requirement for her children to come in matched sets." ~Percy Weasley, in "Plein Air for Two" on Skyehawk [which is rated R, so be warned if you search it]

I just thought the "matched sets" bit was hilarious. ^_^


On to the real portion of this post:

Yesterday was a great day. Writing class was fun, and then I had lunch with Wooly. We went to Breugger's because there was a free-bagels-for-our-birthday thing but we messed up and missed it. It was ok, though. Good food anyway. Then we went to Barnes and Noble and she got a book and I just wandered around. I wound up ordering The Fall of Rome the novel from Amazon for about $6. Cuz I decided I really needed it for my future library. My future library is going to be huge. Gigantic. Enormous. Massive [is that an appropriate word?].

Then the first meeting for our annual Aristophanes reading. We're doing the Wasps this year, and it looks like it will be a lot of fun. Then I talked to my Greek prof from last semester about how this semester's class is going, and that was comforting.

Then I ran into Tyler at the dining hall for dinner, and sat with him and his friends, which was fun. On Sunday Tyler was telling me about a friend of his who was really into classics and was going to some recitation thing, and he told said friend about me who said, "ahh I have to meet this girl!" Well he mentioned the guy's name, and it turns out he's the cool guy who sits across the table from me in Latin, and he is actually an undergrad! He's a senior, so he'll be gone in a few months, but still, it's cool.

Then I went "rock climbing" with my Quidditch team, but you *have* to be belay-certified to climb which is super lame, and i tried to take the test, but failed pretty miserably. I made a new friend, so we might work on it together, but the problem is I'm just not cut out to be a belayer, but bouldering is so so so so much harder than climbing up, especially free from the harness. Ugh. We'll see.

Today was pretty good too. Greek didn't make me angry, Econ was good, and Latin was fun. Then I watched NCIS and had dinner with mi care because tomorrow's my birthday!! :) And now I'm getting ready for bed. Oh, and I opened a birthday gift from home earlier too :) Yay wonderful family! Sadly, when I called my mom to thank her for it, she said Grandpa's in the hospital again because he ran out of meds and didn't tell anyone. >.< I hope to hear that he's out soon.

For now, WR hw and sleepz. Ugh....


P.S. entering the music has made me remember that Annie on my Mind needs to come to my future library as well. Oy I'm going to need so many bookshelves. ^_^ *bounce*

birthday, kitten, school, quidditch, books, latin, greek, fanfic, friends

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