Happy Friday!

Feb 04, 2011 17:50

 Eeeeeeeeeeee what a day...

Greek is still frustrating. That's all I'm saying on that topic. I need to find out with whom I need to speak about that next week. >.<

Oh. Also I'm really sick of the verb πιστεὐω. =P conjugated lots and lots of tense/voice/mood combos last night in all six persons. *adds accenting rules to list of things professor doesn't explain well* the accent does not move because you added something to the beginning! *bites tongue*

Econ's fun. Mi care and I had lunch today and we're trying to figure out (aka I want to know and he now does too) what the math behind the "rule of 70" is. (The rule being that if you divide 70 by the % rate at which the economy is growing you'll get how long it takes the economy to double, e.g. 2% growth means it will double in 35 years.) Also I just did my assignment for this week and got 100%. Yay! :)

K and her girls called me today, which was sweet. Mini-me was complaining about her annoying little sister (who is mini-K; no joke, these girls are so much like us), so K said, "You know, Sarah used to have an annoying little sister too..." which was pretty funny.

Now I'm headed to dinner with my other-Quidditch-keeper friend and then to hang out and do hw with mi care. Latin comp, here I come! (NOT doing that all in one day again. *wince* my paper from this week was so full of missing finite verbs and/or verbs in the wrong tenses... What do you mean you can't use the present tense forms for all verbs? And compounds of sto have third principal parts in -stet-? *headdesk*)

But it's the weekend now, and I have no big plans. Maybe more Quidditch-snow-capture-the-flag? That was a blast. And ST on Sunday and my Latin knowledge is actually requested, which is funny because the two girls who run it, basically, usually make fun (lovingly) of me for being a classics nerd. So it made me laugh when one of them asked me specifically if I'd be there this week to help her with something about Latin for a quiz in French I think? Haha, it was funny.

Anyway... and when I get bored of Latin tonight, there will be writing! Cuz I'm feeling inspired. So there.

Oh, last thing. Mi care made me a card today because it's the 4th and it had this song in it, which was so so cute. Thought I should share. (Lyrics aren't on the web or I'd've linked there. It's called Saturdays in September, by the JaneDear girls.)


music, cute, love, writing, birthday, convention, kitten, smile, quidditch, annoyed, greek, latin, sister

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