A day's worth of rambling

Jan 31, 2011 22:56

So while I was smart enough to stop at the cafe in my building on the way to Greek this morning and put milk in my tea, I did not remember to put sugar in it in my room. That said, it's not ice cold two hours later, even after walking around outside for a decent chunk of that time. I think the $5 I gave Old Navy (Old Navy??) for this mug were well spent. Then on my way to econ I stopped at Starbucks and stole some sugar. Shhhh don't tell.

[interlude in which I listen to lecture and take notes]

I have returned! Did you miss me? I was going to write during lunch, but I ran into some ST friends in the dining hall and we sat and talked for a while before Dom rushed off to class and Brittany and I went to work. I had to go to the post office on the way because my headphones broke (again!!) and I needed to mail them in, plus I had some things to send home. The woman who weighed my mail for me was hilarious, and very helpful, so that was fun.

Then I came to the house of the girls I tutor, which is where I am now. This week we did Nanan's piano first so that there would be time for Christine play after she got home later. Seemed to work better, since now I've gotten a chance to help them both with their hw and last week I didn't get to help Christine. But in a couple minutes I have to go work on her piano with her.

This is a really good job, although I'm learning a lot about what I will and will not do when I'm a parent. There may come an entire post devoted to that topic in the future. But I can't complain about the money. I'm thinking of looking for another job too, just because I really do have a lot of time. Like there's a florist who was looking to hire someone; I saw the sign last week. I think that would be fun. I don't know how flexible it would be, though, and I imagine I will not have as much time as the semester goes on. Hmmm. On the other hand, I was thinking at the beginning of the semester that this job would be more than once a week, so to devote one or two other chunks of time to something else wouldn't be so bad. *shrug*

When I leave here I'm going to an open house at the Classics House for (hopefully) food and a look around the place. I'm excited, because I really want to live there next year, but the only room in it I've seen was Ella's room, which she claims is the biggest and nicest, so I want to see what the others look like.

[another interlude in which Christine practices piano and then I go to the open house]

They lied about dinner at the open house!! *angry face* But I did get Babe Ruth bars, so ok, I guess. Then dinner (eh) at Towers and now I'm home again. The open house was nice, although NOT the shindig the email made it out to be. I saw a double and a single. Hopefully I'll be rooming with Ella (probably not in her old room (P.S. she's abroad right now)), so that should be fine. the sample double i saw was not all that different from her room, and I'm sure I'll have room for a bookcase, which is the important part. Possibly even above my desk. Dunno whether I'll ever want a single. I mean, I dunno who I'd live with after she graduates, but I guess I could always find a newbie like I am or meet someone else in there. But the singles are so tiny and they're really long and skinny, I don't think it would be that fun.

[yet another interlude, during which...? I guess I got distracted talking to House and mi care. And reading 6LCF ^_^]

And yet again I have a mug of tea which is not yet cold. This time, because it's camomile and not chai, no milk or sugar was necessary. But I made it and then set it down to let it cool, and two hours later... it's still kinda warm. Epic win. Also, I don't understand why in Peter Rabbit they treated camomile tea like it was cough syrup or something. It's so yummy!

I'm all caught up on 6LCF now. It makes me happy. But also sad because I only get to read about one post a day instead of pages and pages like I have been doing. Alternately... I could do real err other things like hw and posting here and writing... [just kidding, you guys. 6LCF is totally real.] I think I have decided I'm going to create another journal for my writing? I only don't like that because it will involve signing in and out, but then... at the rate this is going, that won't be an issue. Or I could just use Safari for the other one. I need a name for it, though. Thoughts anyone? Is anyone reading this? ...*cricket*...*cricket*...oh, House might be. [She also might be having a break-down because I've mentioned her now twice or three times =P]

Anyway... I think I'm'a try to write now. Comment or send me a message or something if you [anyone] wants to know the name of the new journal. Once I have one, that is.


P.S. the next few days are going to be hella snowy and windy. Can't I sit inside with some books and tea and a blanket and a fire? Please and thank you.

weather, snow, dorm, writing, school, work, house(girl), blog, tea, friends

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