...*slinks in* I didn't die!!

Feb 16, 2008 23:01

Hello! I'm here! I haven't updated properly in a month... :)

So let's see... ummmmmmmmmm...finals. They went pretty well. I got an 8 on the APUSH DBQ. An 8!!!! Yay!!! *is happy* I kept a B(+) in that class, so I'm happy. I scraped an A in math, so that's good (90.2 +90.0 on the exam...). And I got As in my other classes too. Yay! Greek still isn't on my report card... must yell at Mr. White about that...

Ummmm, second semester... ugh. All the 11th grade teachers are prancing around (mostly social studies), "take my class! take my class!" ewwwwwwww so obnoxious. I still gotta figure out what I'm doing next year. My mom thinks I should be taking a modern language if I want to be a language teacher. I'd love to take a modern language; but remind me again when I have time to do that? I'm still sort of fighting to get gym in there to graduate. Ugh. I wanna be a sign teacher! Period. I don't think French or Chinese, fun though they'd be to learn, would help me with that... Or I could be a Latin teacher. My mom just thinks I'd never be able to find a job teaching Latin. Whatever. I'll figure it out. I think I'm gonna visit Miami over spring break. Should be fun. Scott and Ms. P. went there. :)

I have an English paper due on Tuesday. I should write that.

Lincoln and I decided (for whatever dumb reason) that we want to continue NHD and take it to compete. WOW. We're good. Anyway, we went to the library downtown yesterday. It was fun. Yay working microfilm readers!!

I'm so worried about her though. Stuff's about to happen. Boom. Yuck. mi hippure, I hope we can get her through this. I'm worried about Melanie too. Ohhhhhhhhhh boy. *prays for them...a lot*

So...Friday night Grace came over. That was interesting. We played SET with my brother for 3 rounds. Then we went to my room. Small talk; awkward silence; folding clothes; small talk; awkward silence...etc. Then we sat/collapsed on my bed and talked/stared nervously around the room for an hour and a half (while that random ep 4.5 of NUMB3RS was playing...grrrr). And...coming out of it, it's sort of less awkward, sort of more awkward. But mostly less, so that's good.

Then she, Gia, G's family, my mom, and the Naus went to see Casting Crowns tonight. It was super fun. A little awkward, and a little obnoxious on the SuperConservativeChristian side, but the music was good. Too bad they didn't play the song G and I are signing in church tomorrow. :(

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'm sure there's more, but it's BEDTIME NOW!! G'night.


music, numb3rs, school, grace, finals, lincoln, apush, nhd, asl, friends

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