New Years Meme 2 (theifed from crazy_tory)

Dec 31, 2007 18:00


01. Have you had any relationships this year?
- *smiles* maybe...

02. Have you had your birthday yet?
- ummm, well seeing as it's Dec 31, i'd hope so... :)

03. Cried yet?
- waaaaaaaaaay too often

04. Been on a diet?

05. Pulled an all nighter?
- sometimes i've needed to, but no

06. Drank Starbucks?
- yes. but ohhhhhhhh boy, coffee+pepermint=BAD

07. Went Camping?
- yeah whitewater rafting!!!!!!! *party* that was amazing

08. Bought something(s)?
- no, i went for 12 months without buying anything. no food, no tickets to movies/school events, no gifts... jeez...

09. Met someone special?
- very very special (in the head)

10. Been out of state?
- PA, chicago, rafting in PA/WV, uhhhh... oh, FL for New Years. i guess that's a yes (michael, why doesn't DC count?)

12. What are you thinking about?
- the answers to this quiz?
01. Hugged someone?
- lots of someones

02. Slept in someone else’s bed?
- uhhhhhhhhh, vacation? i slept in somebody's bed at YAC (we rented a cottage), and i slept in ev's bed when everyone was here and people were in mine

03. Got a job?
- school? (babysitting too, i guess)

04. Loaned out money?
- i'm sure

05. Gotten in a car accident?
- nope. my car got in an accident, but i wasn't in it. :)

06. Gone over your mobile phone bill?
- nope

08. Done something you regret?
- i always do things i regret...

Last Person you hugged?
- lincoln

Last Person to call you?

When was the last time you felt stupid?
- very recently. i don't know exactly when, but i feel stupid quite often, so...

At whom did you last yell?
- ionno

What did you do today?
- said good-bye to cousins, NHD, lunch, library, NHD w/ licoln, memes on LJ, then pizza/movie/making my bed/new years party! :)

01. Name?
- squirrel :)

02. Natural hair color?
- light brown

03. Initials?

04. Hair style?
- long, straight, and tangled

05. Eye color?
- brown

06. Height:
- around 5'5.5''

07. Pets:
- cat dog and brother

08. Mood?
- tired but happy

09. Where would you rather be?
- hanging out with the people i haven't seen in a week (oh wait! i'll do that in 2 hours. oh wait! somebody won't be there... :( )

10. What was the last thing you drank?
- juicy juice. no that's a lie. i stole some of lincoln's cranberry juice


01. Have you ever been in love?
- yep

02. Do you believe in love?
- if i said yes to 01, do i really need to answer this?

03. Why did your LAST relationship fail?
- uhhhhh...i stopped liking the guy and he stopped talking to me?

04. Have you ever been heartbroken?
- see answer to meme 1 about valentine's day...

05. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
- hope not, but sometimes i worry...

06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?
- more than once

07. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
- yes

08. Are you afraid of commitment?
- not really

09. Have you had more than five different serious relationships in your life?
- 2.5<5.

01. Are you missing someone right now?
- um, lemme think...YES

02. Are you happy?
- yeah

03. Are you eating anything?
- pizza when it gets here

04. Do you like someone right now?
- no. i hate everybody. =P


1) Where did you begin 2007?
- in my aunt and uncle's house in FL

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
- single. trying to avoid complete bitterness

3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
- no, i was living on the moon from jan-june, and then from aug-now

4) How did you earn your money?
- babysitting/allowance (wait, what's that again?)

5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
- ummmmmm...i don't think so

6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
- asking for directions when i got lost and realized i was on the border of my city. oh and those random cops that parked outside my house.

7) What did you purchase that was over $1000?
- i don't tend to purchase things over $1000... (or over $10, for that matter.) (sorry, stealing that answer)

8) Did you know anybody who got married?
- mmmmmmmmmmmm...i don't think so, but jesse's getting married next summer! :)

9) Did you know anybody who passed away?
- not personally

10) Did you know anyone who had a baby?
- i feel like i should answer this question with a 'yes', but i can't come up with anyone. so no. (another stolen answer)

11) Did you move anywhere?
- nope...

12) To what concerts/shows did you go?
- uhhhhhhh... i was in the ensemble show, i saw newstages, i saw the sound of music at the middle school, i saw earnest, i saw fiddler at heights, i was in many band concerts, i went to a few band concerts, i went to ALIVE (it wasn't that wonderful, but RK was there so it's all good), i did NOT go the fest (thank goodness)...guess that's about it

13) Are you registered to vote?
- something about being under 18 kinda puts a damper on that...

14) Whom did you want to win Big Brother?
- to win what?

15) Where do you live now?
- shaker heights

16) Describe your birthday.
- i don't remember?

17) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007?
-got over some grudges...?

18) What has been your favorite moment?
- friday afternoon before the ensemble show was really nice

19) What's something you learned about yourself?
- i'm ok with who i am and i can hold my own opinions (sometimes)

20) Any new additions to your family?
- not this year. within 2 months (oh please come in january...please...)

21) What was your best month?
- may <3

22) By what music will you remember 2007?
- "bless the broken road" (rascal flatts) or "the best thing" (relient k)

23) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
- ummmmmmmmm...i drink water with my friends at lunch?

24) Made new friends?
- oh yeah. i kinda like my new best friend, actually...

25) New best friend?
- see above

26) Favorite night out?
- homecoming, prolly. (last stolen answer, i think)

27) Do you think 2008 will be better or worse?
- better i hope. this summer's gonna be cool. and next school year won't involve NHD or APUSH. yay. :) (that's sad...i do enjoy apush, just not the work load...) 

meme, new years

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