Yay friends!!!!!!!!!

Nov 11, 2007 00:03

Ok, so despite having done almost zero of my schoolwork for the weekend, I've had a lovely time.

Yesterday...I was still a little sick, so Lincoln and Michael forbade me to do much of anything, so I just kinda lazed around...no, that's a lie. I spent the whole day cleaning my room/reading things I found while doing so...yeah, it was fun. Then Grandma and Grandpa got here and we (=Mama, Grandma, Grandpa, K, me) went to Lemongrass for dinner where we saw Kurt and Anita (yay! First night without Kai... :) ), and that was really fun. I still felt icky, but by the time I got home and watched NUMB3RS (yay semi-nonviolence!!!), I was feeling better and I went to bed and read some of my book (Eclipse--really good, really sad...Jake and Edward are !fighting over Bella! ahhhh! ) and slept...'til 11:45 this morning! :)

K skated today. (Well, she skates every Tues-Sat, but today was a competition.) She aced the compulsory, but in her program she apparently forgot some required elements and didn't do so well. :'( *hugs K*

I, however, no longer feel sick at all (well, still a cold, but not achey or feverish. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!) and I went to see Dan in Real Life, which was *really really* funny (and the character(s) channeling K were a little scary). I had a LOT of fun. Then was Silvi's surprise party. Yay! Lotsa fun. Not too awkward, and I finally met Julie, who apparently it's a crime I don't know... hmmmmmmmmm. (The wandering-around-Shaker-Square-waiting-for-people thing was a little chilly though...fun, but chilly.) Also it turns out Ali is surprisingly willing to talk about my stuff with me, which is super nice. Yay! :)

Then home, then math homework, now this and bedtime. No yelling at me for being up late...it's cuz I slept in. But I kinda get to sleep in tomorrow too cuz Grandma and Grandpa can take us to church at 9:15 instead of going with Mama or Dad at 8 or 8:30. ^_^ yay!!!


numb3rs, homework, silvi, family, sleep, friends

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