quiz from fantwurm...i retook it cuz i was bored.

Jul 24, 2007 16:14

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1) What is
fantwurm 's shoe size? 5 or 6?
2) Have you ever dated
crazy_tory ? ummmmmmm, duh
3) If
entropic_order and
crazy_tory were siamese twins where would they be joined? shoulder...?
4) Would
zinnia_zeroth go out with
entropic_order ? maybe...
5) What planet should
fantwurm be from? Mercury. She's small, fast, and amusing. (Mercury=amusing cuz I said so.) [Wow, that was on the last quiz like this. And I answered the same...]
6) One quality you find attractive in
zinnia_zeroth ? easily amused
7) If
zinnia_zeroth and
fantwurm were spliced together, what would it be like? bizarre
8) If
crazy_tory were hanging off a cliff, what would
zinnia_zeroth do? save him??
9) Does
fantwurm know
entropic_order ? yes
10) Does
zinnia_zeroth do drugs? not that I know of...
11) Which president would
crazy_tory be likely to idolize? one who served in the last 230 years
fantwurm 's hair color? blonde
13) Does
entropic_order drink? I don't think so
14) Do you think
zinnia_zeroth is hot? sure. Again, especially with the nerdy pigtails.
15) What is
entropic_order allergic to? bright colors
16) Are
entropic_order and
fantwurm going out? they weren't married last time, and they're not dating this time.
17) If
crazy_tory was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? whichever villain Pranjal became.
18) Has
crazy_tory been to your house/dorm? does the front yard count?
19) Is
crazy_tory related to
entropic_order ? no.
20) What would
fantwurm do differently in your shoes? She'd curl up in a ball much more often than I do.
21) What word best describes
crazy_tory ? special
22) Would you make out with
zinnia_zeroth ? that's not awkward...
23) Is
entropic_order 1337? that's not the first description that comes to mind...
crazy_tory 's eye color? brown
25) How would
crazy_tory conquer the world? very carefully. [again, ditto question, ditto answer]
26) Where was
crazy_tory born? Rhode Island
27) Is
crazy_tory single? nope.
28) Is
zinnia_zeroth dead sexy? as I said, the nerdy pigtails do a lot! =P
29) One thing you can't stand about
entropic_order ? I haven't seen her since june.
30) What languages does
zinnia_zeroth speak? English, Latin, Greek...others?


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