Oct 13, 2004 20:05
So I went swimming, there was only one other person, after they left I was all alone in the pool area. I strated getting bad thought of things like a horror movie. Swimming into a dead body, or some super freaky kid standing at the edge of the pool. Umm, yea so I decide that was enough for today. i had been there for most of what I wanted. I got some lunch on the way home. Theres a bunch of places/stands whatever you want to call them selling vegetarian food because the vegetarian festivle somthing or another is going on. So I can eat yummy Thai food wihtout meat untill the 22 I think... Also on my way home I passed a wedding dress place. And there were therr manakins in the window and they all looked wicked mean!!! Seriously!! I'll have to get a picture of them tomorrow. When I got home I ate my lunch and read the Bangkok Post which I also go on the way home. Later I was reading one of my magazines theat my mom sent to me in a small package and learned that Altoids have gelitan from Pig...GROSE! Not that I've eaten an altiod in....well before I left, But I'm not eating them again, ewwy. I didn't do much else, read, wrote afew letters. Ate dinner wiht the fam. Tired-back kinda hurts, so rest sounds good.