
Nov 05, 2004 19:25

T.G.I.F. (oh how I miss watching that on TV as a kid.  When did it end-like 6th grade??)  My second week back at school was so much better than the first, or atleast less boring.  In flowermaking I started a new project, it's going to be roses that are blue, because the one alread made looks pretty, and it's blue.  My favorite color is pink, but my past two things have been pinkish colors.  Putting the wires together was really fustrating at first, and when I was almost done with them all I realised I as doing then kinda wrong.  It wasn't somthing that would make it any easier.  Wendnesday came and people asked me who the president was, I said I don't know it's still yesterday in America.  When I got home I watched CNN and BBC nonstop, I was rooting..hopeing..praing Kerry would win.  I realised the tv stations were projecting the electoral votes, and then when I went to bed it was Bush 254 Kerry 252 or somthing like that.  And Bush had declaried Victory!! I was could he do that when ALL the votes hadn't been counted...although he was ahead in the Pop. vote but not by much, whatever happened to your vote counts???  Argg politics....Wednesday I became fasinated with melted wax...I want to make a candle.  Thursday in English my teacher-also my advisor- told me she has to teach in Thai today..yeah in English calss.  But i understand, i bet in english or french you don't have the wholl calss taught in that language....Humm and then next period I had free and she wanted to talk to me 'OH Joy!!'  Sometines I really can't stand her, nice person and everything, but just like some people I just can't stand!!  and it's weird like whenever she or my host father wants to 'talk'  I get all teared up, and all I want to do is burst open and cry for the next few hours..days. So after that was done I left, I felt like going home escape.  I'm also tired of playing happy-I'm a horrible exchange student some days.  Like when I have to Wai to a teacher, which is like every thime you pass by talk to etc.  I put on this smile, that comes with it (probibly the Thai culture has seeped into me)  but inside I'm like 'Errr yea, I really don't want to be here'  And I've mentioned this before- but my school isn't just high school it's middle school too so I have to deal with those kids too....So the rest of my thursday went ok.  Thai dance is getting pretty fun, It's not as hard.  And then I had modern dance, theres like a 3-1 girl to boy ratio in the whole school.  But theres boys none the less.  I would die f I had to go to an all girls school, not that I have to many guy friends here, but you now.  Although I think I've given up on thai guys, there just to shy. I didn't go to any temples or anything today my teacher was out.  Friday-today we didn't do anything in volleyball, but next week we will play real games.  Thai Lesson, Cross Stitch-I started a new one, I hate how the teacher stands over me watching me!!  Most of the time 1/2 the class doesn't even come and we get out early because the class does nothing.  Last semester I worked on it in the library instead of the classroom which is hot and I get really 'I need my space!' when the teacher is next to me.  Then lunch with my firends.  I got invited to go to a concert tomorrow.  I haven't asked my host parents yet, but there not home.  I didn't have music-I waited for the teacher outside the classroom all the other kids were there too running around yelling pushing eachother, so after reading for awhile I left and went to SAC  I worked on somthing for my advisor, and wrote a few letters.  Then Thai Dance, and then School's Out!!!  I went to the Post Office-Mailed my older brother a Birthday present.  Went to the park after that walked...aerobicised.  Some random things:  I saw a he-she today-either that or a really ugly woman (not that theres anything wrong with either of those)  It was just so obvious with the square fave and broad body accompined with bright red lipstick.  I also saw a ghostly white Thai woman...easy on the whiting products, but seriously she was so white-whiter than ME!!!  Yes, even thought I live in a tropical country where it NEVER SNOWS!!  I and still un-tanned. well atleast mostly everything except my arms and face-sotof.  Well I still have lots to tell but that will be for next time!!
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