Aug 07, 2005 17:21
August 5th, 6:42am. Phone rings.
mom: presilla, are you okay there? is anything wrong?
me: no mom, why? are you okay?
mom: it's never happened to me before. so weird...
mom: do you have pink feather earings?
me: yeah. they went missing though. don't know what happened to them
mom: because yesterday i was cleaning the kitchen and i found a pink feather earring on the floor. I didn't know who it was so I give it to patricia
me: okay
mom: I'm at work now and something happened. you sure you're okay? is there something you're not telling me?
me: mom, what is it?
mom: I would not have seen it but the rubberbands fell on the floor from my desk so i went to pick them up. So I looked on the floor and the other pink feather earring was there.
me: woah, how did it get all the way to your work? that's weird.
mom: so I'm calling you because something might be wrong.
me: ...
mom: so anyway. because today is my wedding anniversary
me: oh my god
mom: so I think you're dad is telling me something.
mom: so's pink.