I made a new icon. It's Paul Bettany all sad. I'll probably use this one when things are sad but not sobbing sad. I have Frink and the budgies for that. Well I'm not sad today. I'm having a great day. First off I've started coloring the metal band pic. My friend kitora called me today. We chatted for quite a while and I twisted her arm into getting a journal. Seriously. I'm glad and I hope she'll be commenting a lot now instead of me just mentioning her.
queen_kitora is her account. I made some icons for her so hopefully she'll put them up soon. We've had some really fun RPs. And I'm very excited about the RP I'll be playing with
chrymden soon. Anyway, I'm going to work on the drawing a little more tonight. I don't think I'll finish it tonight because it's gonna be really hard. I already know that Davon and his guitar are going to be the hardest things to color. I hate shading his suit. It's all black so I have to do reverse shading where the 'shadows' are lighter. Each wrinkle and fold needs to be highlighted or it would all be lost. I still need a name for this band. Please, suggestions. So far I have:
Guns and Embers
Metal Gods
Still would like to have some more options before I decide.
And I'm very happy. I've been on the community
gardening for a long time now and I'm finally feeling productive there. I used to just lurk and pop in when I had a question but was never able to help anyone before. I'm glad I've been studying and learning. I think I'm becoming the resident bird and butterfly expert there. No shock on the bird expert part but I seem to field all the butterfly questions too. Well I did work in the butterfly garden at the museum for a long time. I don't like butterflies but the more knowledge you have on a subject the better and it comes in handy. Makes me think of the Sea Captain on the Simpsons, "ARRR I hate the sea and everything in it." HAHA. But today someone one posted a picture of a mushroom and no one could identify it. I actually knew what it was and got a nice thank you from the original poster. It's a member of the
Stinkhorn family. Here's some more info on the actual type that was being asked about.
Clathrus columnatus. I'm happy that I'm finally able to contribute to that forum!!
I called one of the newer bird clubs today about the show on the 23rd. I really need to get rid of some of these birds. I haven't been to a show in ages. Well I called and asked if they had a table. They said yes. When I told them I wanted to reserve and gave them my first name ONLY the guy goes, "OH I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!" He was very happy to hear from me. WOW. He was very nice and helpful with directions. He even said I didn't have to mail him payment. I could pay him at the door. That's so cool because I need to save up the money anyway. He told me he trusts me and wouldn't do that for just anyone. I've actually had other clubs do that for me too. I've actually gone in and not had money then after selling my first bird I'd pay for my table rental. That makes me so happy. I'm very proud to know my reputaion proceeds me, that I sell quality birds with lots of time and effort going into them, I do my best to provide good customer service and I help out my fellow breeders. It's so nice to see all that work pay off. I've rarely had a problem and the only one I can think of are with my crooked rival. I'll rant about her some other time, but basically I don't know how she stays in business with birds in over crowded cages, sick birds and rude service. Blows my mind.
Tomorrow I'll pick up more fish for my snakes. I'll be so happy to go to my first reptile show. That will be different. Reptile people are SO different from bird people, even the breeders and vendors. I think it's really true that people look and act like their pets and cars. I'm too energetic and colorful for most reptile people, but look at the types of reptiles I keep. I keep mostly garter snakes which could pass for warm bloods. They don't act like other snakes and are very active. I love that about them! Sunday the garters will be three weeks!!!! WOW longest I've had baby garters!! Happy birthday to them! Oh and speaking of birthdays mine and David Hasslehoff's is coming up in a few days. We have the same B-Day on the 17th. Woo hoo!!
And speaking of snakes I'm so excited about Snakes On A Plane coming out. I showed Chris one of the trailers yesterday so he'd know what it is I've been going on about. I went to the offical site and was VERY HAPPY to see a section for fan sites of the week. OMG people still make FAN SITES? And an OFFICAL site is recognizing them??? Well they were mostly journals and logs but still it's nice. One article I read was very interesting. The movie already has a huge following and people are making spoofs in anyway they can. I have the Snapes on a Plane pic for instance. He was saying that it's an interesting phenomenon about people going nuts over a movie they've never seen and know hardly anything about. Sammuel Jackson's cussing is already a hit or his catch phrse "Motherf*ing snakes on a motherf*ing plane!" It's halarious. I know it's a horror movie but it's just gonna be so darn funny. I can't wait. One of the sites is here on live journal. I might join the community just to save the funny pictures on it.
snakesonablog And what's with this new bar at the top? Do the rest of you have that? I noticed it a few days ago. I didn't like it at first and ntoiced you can turn it off. I never got around to turning mine off and I may not now. It does have some handy links. What do you guys think?