To take a quote from the infamous Mic Geronimo “It’s been a long time….maybe too long.”
Yes, I know, I’ve been missing. Okay, let’s backtrack a little bit….
- My parents came back from Jamaica after laying my Grandma to rest (R.I.P. Pearl Barnes)
- Found out that there’s a snitch in the TPG family talking a whole heep of foolishness
- I broke up with Xiomara due to her constant bitchiness and lack of effort towards our relationship.
- Got back with Xiomara after about a week. (it's a long story)
- Went to a funeral for a family friend. (R.I.P Winston Lewis)
- Been smoking large amounts of marijuana
- Quark Xpress was kicking my ass, thank goodness Pamela helped me
- I met Pay Chen (who is really really really cute!) and Lucy Zillio after taking a trip to OMNI for class
- I’ve been reading a lot of Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix
That’s all that pretty much stands out at the moment. I’ve mostly been busy with work and school, sounds boring but it’s the truth. Christmas is coming, the end of first semester is on Friday, so I’ve been working and studying my ass off! I’m actually writing this Live Journal entry from the basement of Mount Sinai Hospital!
I really just can’t wait until this week is over, Friday should be jokes. Food, drinks, friends and my girl, can’t wait.