I’ve been really lax with this LiveJournal lately, my bad. It’s not that I’ve been really busy….I’ve just been high. It’s nice to smoke again, but shit never gets done. I guess that’s why I stopped smoking for a little bit….but I’m back so whatever.
So let’s try to go back and figure out what’s been going on since my last entry.
I went to visit the girlfriend in London for the weekend. It was such a good time, we had Burger King…actually I had Burger King. She hates BK and clowned me while I ate my Tendercrisp chicken sandwich, she’s such a nerd. We spent a lot of time just chillin which was great for me, I never get to just hang out with her and we a lot of that. *cough*SEX*cough*
She had to work for 4 hours on Saturday night so she stuck me with her roommate Melissa (who’s really into black guys). She was cool, she wants me to hook her up with my boy Weezy. (But once I showed Weezy her picture he punked me and said “I thought you were my friend?!” He’s a clown.)
We got all dressed up and headed to this Halloween party at this bar called “The Ceeps”. Something told me to bring my scrubs just incase we decided to go out for something Halloween, thank goodness I did or else I would have looked like a total ass. White people really go all out on Halloween, I saw some crazy ass costumes. Sponge Bob Squarepants, Michael Moore, Harry Potter (who I talked to and told him that I was a fan on his and to holla at Dumbledor for me) The Paper Bag Princess, Waldo from Where’s Waldo Books, and a bunch of dudes who thought it would be funny to dress as women….suspect. Very suspect. Hey, it’s Halloween right? But fuck, that shit was horrible, ugly ass women are never cool.
Since the girlfriend was at work I spend most of the night talking to Melissa. Caught up in the Halloween spirit, I ended up getting a few drinks at the bar. I bought a few Millers (it’s gangsta drinking a beer that has the same name as you) and a few shots for Melissa. It’s nice to know that one of girlfriends roommates is cool, she’s kinda like me. She worked hard to get where she is at, she’s not spoiled and had to work to pay for school. That’s gotta be respected. Melissa’s got my back…or at least she does now, wait til I fuck up and girlfriend starts talking shit about me to them. Oh well, that’s how it is. They love you when you’re on top, and hate you when you're down. Girlfriend joined us A couple hours later looking super cute in her little track and field costume. We took pictures but she ended up getting a bit too crunk and lost the camera. Good thing I didn’t bring Dan’s digital camera to the bar!!!
Sunday we pretty much just chilled and went out for lunch, it was simple yet fun. We hit up CJ Baxters, it’s kinda like Jack Astors and Kelsey’s put together. It’s nice being able to see her…plus getting regular sex is GREAT!!! All in all it was an incredible weekend.
I didn’t go to school on Monday cause I ended up smoking and eating large amounts of crap at Jeff’s house. We all pitched in and got almost every type of junk from imaginable to eat for munchies….it was pain. It was great at first and then I didn’t want anymore…but for some stupid reason I kept eating.
Monday afternoon I chilled with Matt, Percilla and Pamela at casa de la Rubio. It was suppose to be a birthday planning meeting between Pamela and I but turned into a sushi/smokefest! It was great, Pamela is full of surprises…those naughty Scorpios.
So I got home from smoking and there is this letter from Centennial College sitting on my kitchen table. I figured that it was a letter asking about my tuition payment so I was in no rush to open it. I told myself, if it’s bad news it’s going to be a shitty week…it was GREAT news. Turns out that I won a $1000 scholarship! My teacher design teacher Lindy found out from another teacher (Ted Barris ) about Tha Playground, the online magazine and all the stuff I was doing in the community and nominated me for a scholarship. She told me a while back what she did and I was like “cool”. I never mentioned it to anyone except Matt cause I figured that I wouldn’t win. My grades are decent but not impressive by any means, I’ve never won anything educational EVER! And even reading the letter now, it’s still kinda weird. It was nice being able to tell me Mom though, she was really excited. She had this smile and a look on her face that read to me “Thank God, my son isn’t an idiot!” Mom’s birthday is coming up too, I gotta get her something nice. Big up to Tha Playground, you guys are my family and no matter what happens, at least I got $1000 for school from this. You guys are the reason for my success, I've got your back as much as ya'll got mine. This is only the beginning, I’m trying to get paid for real from this, let’s MAKE IT HAPPEN!
So now I’m at school. I’ve got a lot of time to kill before the Raptors game tonight. I’m so excited, it seems like soooooo long since I’ve been at a game. I really wanted girlfriend to come but she’s at school and busy with everything and it would have been impossible for her to make it to Toronto in the middle of the week. I’ll be there with the guys, we’re going to smoke a blunt before the game so it’ll be extra fun! I’ll let ya’ll know how the game went tomorrow. Happy Basketball New Year!!!