Фантастику - в жизнь!

Sep 12, 2024 22:29

Как сказал Глава Совета при президенте России по правам человека Валерий Фадеев:

"каждый молодой человек независимо от здоровья (пусть на кухне служит или писарем) должен пройти через армию."

Очень, помнится, радовался, поймав в букинисте покетбук с:

"I asked one of the doctors what percentage of the victims flunked the physical. He looked startled. “Why, we never fail anyone. The law doesn’t permit us to.”
“Huh? I mean, excuse me, Doctor? Then what’s the point of this goose-flesh parade?”
“Why, the purpose is,” he answered, hauling off and hitting me in the knee with a hammer (I kicked him, but not hard), “to find out what duties you are physically able to perform. But if you came in here in a wheel chair and blind in both eyes and were silly enough to insist on enrolling, they would find something silly enough to match. Counting the fuzz on a caterpillar by touch, maybe. The only way you can fail is by having the psychiatrists decide that you are not able to understand the oath.”"

R.A.Heinlein, Starship Troopers, 1959


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