Мрачная тайна Воениздата

May 08, 2021 11:54

Переводы добротной военной прозы Военное издательство Министерства обороны СССР выпускало. Но - по весьма странным принципам.
Вот морской роман шотландца Алистера Маклина HMS Ulysses, 1955.

В 1968 году выходит его сокращенный перевод:

Ну, почему исчезла история корабельного священника, погубленного любопытством, в плане атеизма тогдашнего ГлавПУРа понять можно. Но вот почему исчезает такой кусок:

The Ulysses was tremendously fast. Quadruple screws powered by four great Parsons single-reduction geared turbines two in the for'ard, two in the after engine-room, developed an unbelievable horse-power that many a battleship, by no means obsolete, could not match. Officially, she was rated at 33.5 knots. Off Arraa, in her full-power trials, bows lifting out of the water, stern dug in like a hydroplane, vibrating in every Clyde-built rivet, and with the tortured, seething water boiling whitely ten feet above the level of the poop-deck, she had covered the measured mile at an incredible 39.2 knots, the nautical equivalent of 45 m.p.h. And the "Dude "-Engineer-Commander Dobson had smiled knowingly, said he wasn't half trying and just wait till the Abdiel or the Manxman came along, and he'd show them something. But as these famous mine-laying cruisers were widely believed to be capable of 44 knots, the wardroom had merely sniffed "Professional jealousy "and ignored him.

Secretly, they were as proud of the great engines as Dobson himself.
Турбины Парсонса-то чем им помешали? И - ход корабля вымышленного класса?

Реальный HMS Dido, кузен вымышленного HMS Ulysses

вторая мировая война, флот, история

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