Жалостливое пишут...

Mar 23, 2018 13:28

...в отчете по покражам американской интеллектуальной собственности:

In summary, we estimate that the total low-end value of the annual cost of IP theft in three major categories exceeds $225 billion, or 1.25% of the U.S. economy, and may be as high as $600 billion, based on the following components:
• The estimated low-end value of counterfeit and pirated tangible goods imported and exported, based on a conservative estimate that 20% of the cost of these goods detracts from legitimate sales, is $29 billion. The high-end estimate for counterfeit and pirated tangible goods imported and exported is $41 billion.
• The estimated value of pirated U.S. software is $18 billion.
• The estimated low-end cost of trade secret theft to U.S. firms is $180 billion, or 1% of U.S. GDP. The high-end estimate is $540 billion, amounting to 3% of GDP.

Вероятному противнику Уважаемому партнеру страшны не ядрёные ракеты из известного мультика, а прыщавый сисадмин-надомник, устанавливающий на дешевенькие ноутбуки NO OS известную операционку ZverCD. Ну и интернет-казино, мгновенно переводящее голливудские новинки.
Вот истинные враги Пентагона, а борцы с ними - пособники супостата партнеров!


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