REC: Merlin (BBC)

Sep 04, 2010 21:50

*) Steam, by new_kate.
Merlin (BBC) | Arthur/Merlin | NC-17 | ~ 40,000 words
It's been centuries since King Arthur united Albion and lifted the ban on magic. Ruled by Pendragon dynasty, the kingdom had prospered till a feud between the magicians and King Uther the Second drove the country to the brink of collapse. Now it's up to Prince Arthur and his Knights of the Engine to harness steam power to replace the magic Albion had lost, and it's up to Merlin to protect Arthur while he fulfils his destiny.

-- > I'm not really into Merlin but I occasionally read its fanfiction. And I really couldn't pass up a steampunk 'verse of it.
I really loved the world-building and how it never got too exposition heavy. Soo awesome. And I like the characters here, even though I though Uther to be a little too nice. It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the story.
Arthur and Merlin's relationship grew slow and steady, and I liked how it played out.

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rec: merlin (bbc), rec: fanfic, fandom: merlin (bbc), fandom

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