REC: Writing-meta, HP, SG-1

May 09, 2010 19:19

*) friendshipper not only writes great stories, but has also rather interesting posts on writing. Even though I rarely write myself I love those posts, because they make me think about my reading habits and how I connect with stories. Very down-to-earth and sensible.
This post is even interesting for those who don't write in Stargate: Atlantis. Some themes are universal.

Moral dilemmas (of the fictitious kind)

*) snuna_exchange has started posting some time ago. I haven't read much yet, but have a rec.

The Great Pixie Dust-Up, by mundungus42.
Harry Potter | Luna/Severus | PG-13 | ~ 9,880 words
Severus Snape, whose magical equivalent of e=mc2 has revolutionized spellcasting, is content to ignore the larger ramifications of his work, until circumstances conspire to bring it to his attention.

-- > I really love Luna here, just wacky and eccentric enough to be Luna without becoming a caricature of herself. The idea of the story is intriguing and well developed. A nicely plotted mystery with great character interactions.

*) I've also been going through my to rec folders. Sometimes it's a good thing that sometimes months pass before I get to a story, because when I re-read them I notice sometimes that they might not be as rec-worthy as I originally thought. This story isn't one of them though.

Dangerous Men, by lokei.
Stargate SG-1 | Gen; Daniel, Jack | PG | ~ 1,210 words
Prompt: "Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dream with open eyes, and make it possible." ~ T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)

-- > I loved the friendship between Daniel and Jack here, and how Jack gets to know Daniel. I think it's a pretty accurate view on early season Jack and Daniel.
This story made me think about how it must have been for Jack with a civilian on the team. Most of the time I looked at it from Daniel's side, especially since I'm a civilian myself and can identify with him.

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fandom: stargate sg-1, rec: fanfic, rec: meta, fandom: harry potter, fandom

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