DEC 31: REC Harry Potter, Howl's Moving Castle, ST: TOS

Dec 31, 2009 18:23

Harry Potter (Harry/Pansy - Art, Cho/Harry, Remus/Severus - Art), Howl's Moving Castle (Gen - Art), ST: TOS (Kirk/Spock - Art).

from smutty_claus:

Greedy, by anon.
Harry Potter | Harry/Pansy | R | Art
Pansy gets what she wants. Next time, it's Potter's turn.
-- > Oh, this is so beautiful. Love the position, and Pansy's expression. It's so very hot. I love all the little details, too.

Sleeping with Ghosts, by anon.
Harry Potter | Cho/Harry | NC-17 | ~ 13,700 words
When Harry and Cho cross paths far from home, painful secrets are disinterred.
-- > I really believed in this Harry. I loved his and Cho's interaction. Cho is far more fleshed out here than in canon, where she only seemed to be a foil to Harry. This is both angsty and hopeful, when dealing with the ghosts of your past finally helps you to face your future.

from Snupin Santa:

1979, by anon.
Harry Potter | Remus/Severus | PG-13 | Art
Prompt: A portrait or scene of the boys as young men, after Hogwarts but before the end of the First War. If possible, I'd love a pic of a secret rendezvous at this time. Possibly you could consider it an illustration for my fic 1979.
-- > This really looks it could have been the seventies. Love how the shirts contrast with the rather triste setting. Their expressions are lovely.

from yuletart:

Catch It!, by anon.
Howl's Moving Castle | Howl | G | Art (Inked drawing, colouring done in PhotoShop)
Young Howl.
-- > Oh, this is so pretty. It's a great moment of the story to capture, and I love the transposition. Love Howl's expression. The line art is so pretty, and I love the texture and the shading.

Fascinating., by anon.
ST - TOS | Kirk/Spock | NC-17 | plush dolls
Our heroes beam down to a strange planet and, upon exploring, discover their passions for one another. That's right: it's another plead of Pon Farr.
-- > This is made completely of win! The plush dolls are clearly recognizable as Kirk and Spock, and they are anatomically correct, and the story they play out... I love the allusions to fannish clichés. Truly original.

fandom: howl's moving castle, rec: fanfic, fandom: star trek, december giving, fandom: harry potter, rec: fanart, fandom

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