DEC 10: REC Crossover, Merlin, Harry Potter, Stargate: Atlantis.

Dec 10, 2009 22:45

Bandom/Lost (Art - Gen), Merlin (Merlin/Morgana), Harry Potter (Draco/Neville, Gen [Story & Art]), Stargate: Atlantis (Gen).

from yuletart:

*) Solving Charlie's Problems, by guinsky.
Bandom/Lost | Gen; Charlie, My Chemical Romance | PG-13 | Art
As long as he doesn't try to help with the writing of the songs.
-- > Oh, this is fantastic! I love the style and the colors and the facial expressions. I couldn't stop looking at it, it was just so fabulous.

from camelotsolstice:

*) Through the Dark, by kepp0xy.
Merlin (BBC) | Merlin/Morgana (pre-ship), Gwen | G | ~ 1,500 words
A bit of a 2.03 rewrite - after Morgana returns from the druids, Merlin decides to reveal his secret.
-- > I really love the slow build of their relationship here, beginning with friendship with the hope for more. Very lovely.

from harry_holidays:

*) Cultivating Trust, by unbroken_halo.
Harry Potter | Draco/Neville, Snape/Harry and other pairings mentioned in passing | R | ~ 8,900 words
Narcissa Malfoy sends an entreaty to the one and only person that may have the resources to save the rare and exotic flora of the Malfoy Gardens from a mysterious blight.
-- > What I really liked about this story was how the different elements were woven together.

from hp_holidaygen:

*) A Fighting Choice, by dragyn_42.
Harry Potter | Gen; Ginny, the Weasleys, Lupin, Tonks | G | ~ 1,800 words
Ginny's fourth year found her ready to fight. Was it a situation, or was it a decision?
-- > I really love this Ginny. Here she isn't just a foible for Harry but a character in her own right, with agency and her own reasons to fight. Ginny is still a girl here, more mature due to her experiences, but still a girl. A truly wonderful character study. I only wish Rowling had written Ginny only half as well.

Harry Potter, Gen (Art):

*) Beast, by slytherinfiend.
Harry Potter | Gen; Tom Riddle, Voldemort | PG | Art (pencil with coloring in Photoshop)
Prompt: "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being human" - Samuel Johnson.
-- > Haunting and unsettling. Love the used of the color, and the contrast and similarity between Tom and Voldemort. Brilliant.

Deliquescence, by lethereality.
Harry Potter | Tom Riddle | G | Art
He was but the pale shadow of death, changing shape as he fled the dark: Tom Riddle to Lord Voldemort to wisps of smoke, pale snakes slithering in the shadows to -- nothing.
-- > Stunning portrait of Tom.

Stargate: Atlantis:

*) City of the Ancestors, by penknife.
Stargate: Atlantis | Gen; Teyla, ensemble | PG | ~ 1,800 words
It's a beginning. - Set during and just after 'Rising'.
-- > Oh, I love Teyla here. Her voice rings very true to me, and I like her calmness (which we see on the show often) but also her curiosity and perceptiveness.
I love how this story captures how strange these people must be to each other.

fandom: lost, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: crossover, fandom: merlin, fandom: bandom, december giving, fandom: harry potter, fandom

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