DAY 12. REC - due South, Harry Potter, Stargate SG-1

Nov 12, 2009 20:34

*) Inviolate, by arrow00.
due South | Fraser/Kowalski | NC-17 | ~ 7,560 words
Summary: Fraser really shouldn't read Shelley. It puts him in a mood.
-- > arrow00 is one of my favorite due South authors and one of the reasons is that they really get Fraser. I love the tight 3rd person pov here and how it enables the reader to get into Fraser's head.

*) Historical Fiction, by
Harry Potter | Gen; Regulus Black & assorted contemporaries | PG-13 | ~ 1,970 words
Summary: Regulus knew history and mythology and ancient magic because they were in his blood; his mother had made sure of that.
-- > This actually might depict the reason why Regulus know about the Horcrux. Wonderful character study. This made it into my personal canon.

*) The Geocentric Days are Gone, by dizzydame.
Stargate SG-1 | Daniel/Sam | PG | ~ 2,090 words
Summary: Sometimes she hates that this is what her life has become. She’s on the wrong side of sixty-five, desk bound and swimming in paperwork. Her hands shake too much to be of any real use in the lab and sometimes she thinks the only reason they even keep her around is because she has so many off-world contacts.
-- > I love Sam here so much, older and wearier. I so can see this happen. Lovely.

fandom: stargate sg-1, fandom: due south, rec: fanfic, fandom: harry potter, features: female characters, features: rare pairings, fandom

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