REC: Merlin/TW, SG:A, TW, WW

Jul 16, 2009 22:10

*) Once and Future, by mad_maudlin.
Merlin/Torchwood | Ianto/Jack, Arthur/Merlin, Jack/Merlin | PG-13 | ~ 11,300 words
Four times Merlin Emrys met Jack Harkness (and one time he met Jack Harkness)

-- > Oh, this is a lovely crossover that works so well. Love Jack and Merlin's characterization and their changes. A had a blast reading this story. (Post 2x13)

*) i woke up before you in the total darkness, by minervacat.
Stargate: Atlantis | Gen; Ronon Dex | R | ~ 1,800 words
the past is beautiful like the darkness between the fireflies.

-- > I really love Ronon - centric stories that explore his past and his view on Atlantis and his team. And this story delivers beautifully. Great and believable characterization. (Post 3x04.)

*) Fifty Things Captain Jack Harkness Learnt After Ianto Jones Learnt to Knit, by loveslashangst.
Torchwood | Gen with canon pairings and sexual innuendo | R | ~ 1,000 words
See title.

-- > Oh, this is hilarious. When I went looking for cheer-me-up stories this one came immediately to mind. Funny, and warm, and I can believe in this characterization. (Post 2x13.)

*) Quiet in Drowning, by nos4a2no9.
Wilby Wonderful | Duck, Buddy, OMCs | NC-17 | ~ 8,500 words
Warnings: This story contains graphic, violent and disturbing subject matter, including non-con. Please give the story a pass if such material upsets you.
It rained the morning Duck McDonald left home.

Unsent, by nos4a2no9.
Wilby Wonderful | Duck MacDonald/Dan Jarvis, Dan/Other, Duck/Other | NC-17 | ~ 34,000 words
Warnings: Discussion of depression and non-con. The non-con event takes place many decades before this story.
Follows my previous Wilby story Quiet in Drowning, but it’s not necessary to read the earlier fic first in order to understand this one, if I’ve done my job correctly. - Post movie Dan moves in with Duck.

-- > When I saw that nos4a2no9 had written a sequel Quiet in Drowning for the DS/6degrees Big Bang I was all aflutter. Mainly for three reasons:
1. Fic by nos4a2no9 is always a treat.
2. Long Wilby Wonderful stories are rare and a wonderful thing.
3. Sequel to Quiet in Drowning!

Quiet in Drowning isn't an easy story to read, and it nearly broke my heart. Nevertheless it is an excellent written story with great characterization. It's gorgeous.

Unsent is even better written, imho. It's a truly beautiful story, which takes the events in Quiet in Drowning and from the movie and moves on from there. Love the slow progression of Dan and Duck's relationship. And all the characters are brightly drawn too.

fandom: stargate atlantis, rec: fanfic, fandom: crossover, fandom: merlin, genre: gen, fandom: wilby wonderful, fandom: torchwood, genre: slash, fandom

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