"Recced, reccable and possibly reccable" - list: January 2009

Feb 01, 2009 22:34

Those are the stories I've recced, put into my 'to rec' - folder or into my 'possibly reccable, re-read at a later date' - folder last month. Links to 131 stories and 2 pieces of fanart.

Buffy - 'verse

11 things Spike loves about Xander, by savoytruffle. -- Well, #5 is probably a hard R, but other than that this post is mostly schmoop. (Spike/Xander)
16 ways to say 'I love you', by savoytruffle. -- I give this piece an R rating. A bit of smutty. A bit of funny. And again, heavy on the schmoop. 100% dialogue. (Spike/Xander)
A Short Rest, by antennapedia. -- Xander's convinced it's Hellmouthy, but probably it's just the flu. (Gen; Giles, Xander)
A Wyndam-Pryce Tradition, by snickfic. -- His letter came from the Academy today. The acceptance was never in question; his father is Roger Wyndam-Pryce, after all. (Gen; Wesley)
Awakenings, by _beetle_. -- See the title? That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. - Spike and Xander post 'NFA'. (Spike/Xander)
Babylon, by tabaqui. -- Spike, Xander, and the end of the world as we know it. (Spike/Xander)
Buffy talks about the Giant Dawn thing, by bear_good_foamy. -- Since the subject keeps coming up, just for kicks, I thought I'd write down the conversation I kept having with her whenever I tried to make her follow the Season 8 story. (Gen; Buffy, OC)
Don't Forget, by kivrin. -- Coming off the chocolate is a bitch. Post-Band Candy; Companion piece to Never Spoken. (Giles; Giles/Xander UST)
Easy, by drsquidlove. -- It's an English Christmas for the ex-Sunnydale crew, but Rupert and Xander aren't feeling the Christmas cheer. (Giles/Xander)
Five Times Giles Kissed Xander in the Morning, by soft_princess & mireille719. -- In the morning, Giles enjoys Xander with his tea. (Giles/Xander)
Hands Down, by drsquidlove. -- After Giles' hands are injured in an accident, he is dismayed to find himself entrusted to the care of one Xander Harris. He is further dismayed to realise Xander is not irritating him at all. (Giles/Xander)
Keeper of the Book, by nwhepcat. -- "If you've come about my salvation," Wesley tells his visitor, "I assure you I'm not interested." But that changes when he discovers he's not the only one who needs saving. (Gen; Faith, Spike, Wesley, Xander, OC)
Kin of the Heart, by lit_gal. -- In this universe, Xander challenged Angel right up front--called him a pedophile to his face. And from there, everything changed. (Gen; Angel, Xander, Ensemble)
Lonesome Whistle, Blow My Blues Away, by nwhepcat. -- In the grip of grief, Faith goes searching for a remedy. - post 'Chosen'/'Not Fade Away' (Gen; Faith, Xander)
Mulled, by drsquidlove. -- Xander looked happy. More unguarded than he'd been in months. Years, perhaps. His nose and cheeks were flushed from the short trip from the cab, eye shining. Giles couldn't look away. He was going to kiss him, tonight. (Giles/Xander)
New To You, by entrenous88. -- This is for the Giles/Xander ficathon, run by the most lovely soft_princess, and weighs in at 1536 words. My story is for sam_gamgee, who to my great glee asked only for season seven or later, and left things pretty much open beyond that. Hope this suits. (Giles/Xander)
Now I Live Here, Another Island, by glossing. -- "It's not a Sunnydale summer without a funeral to kick it off." - After 'Grave'. (Buffy, Dawn, Xander; Buffy/Xander)
Operation: Fabulous!, by xanzpet. -- When Xander thinks he might be 'that way', Cordelia decides to make him The Best Gay ever! Oh, and to use it to assume complete control over the high school, of course. Fluff, pure and simple, with a healthy dose of banter. (Cordelia, Xander, Ensemble, OCs; Xander/OC)
Poetic Justice, by lusciousxander . -- Angry that Spike attempted to rape his friend, Xander engages into a fight with Buffy that results to a wish that will, obviously, be granted immediately. (Spike/Xander)
Pumpkin Pie Syndrome and Other Occupational Hazards, by mireille719. -- Xander Harris is a second-grade teacher. Riley Finn is a single dad. It's all the geckos' fault. (Riley/Xander)
Scar Tissue, by savoytruffle. -- Xander rolls out of bed and looks for his sweatpants. They should be on the floor, but of course they’re in the hamper. Xander can picture the hands that put them there. - Sequel to Why Do You Breathe?, though it isn't necessary to read it to understand the story. (Giles/Xander)
Something in the Middle, by mireille719. -- What do you do after the world doesn't end? (Giles/Xander [past Anya/Xander])
Surfacing, by only_passenger. -- I know. It's Buffy and Xander. I know. I couldn't help myself. I know. Set between seasons 6 and 7, Buffy and Xander get to talking and drinking. And stuff. Buffy/Xander [mentions of Buffy/Spike])
Spike, Xander, post NFA. Angel's shansued., by ladycat777. -- See title. (Gen; Angel, Spike, Xander)
That Way, by entrenous88. -- for jgracio, who requested Buffy/souled!vamp!Xander (Buffy/souled!vamp!Xander)
The Arrow, by trixiefirecra. -- Buffy is given glimpses of what could be the results of her choices. A lot of her men and women make appearances. She makes another choice. (Gen; Buffy, diverse pairings mentioned)
The Beginning of Knowledge, by mireille719. -- I think the request says it best: 'Set in season four. The relationship creeps up on them. One day they're just hanging out; the next something's changed and Giles is folding Xander's underwear. Xander doesn't get it, but Giles is patient.' (Giles/Xander)
The Difference between Telling and, by allyndra. -- Even before the Council discovered his Talent, Wesley always played by the rules. He’s not sure why the sight of an old school chum in an unexpected place would change that. (Spike/Wesley)
The Song of Iowa, by entrenous88. -- 1 1/2 years after 'Chosen' Xander meets Riley again. (Riley/Xander)
Through the Looking Glass, by kimberly_a. -- Post - 'NFA'. Xander finds Spike again, or does he? (Spike/Xander)
True Romance: A story of 2004 words (not including section headings) , by savoytruffle. -- I give this piece an R rating. A healthy serving of snark, banter and schmoop with a wee side of smut. (Spike/Xander)
Until He Returns, by seductivembrace. -- In the wake of Sunnydale’s demise, Xander has a lot on his mind and too many well-meaning friends around to figure things out. He takes off, searching for answers, and encounters someone he thought never to see again. (Dracula/Xander)
Why Do You Breathe?, by savoytruffle. -- This is also a charity fic written for reremouse. She requested a story in which Xander was in Africa and lost in some way and in which Giles was the one to go bring him home. (Giles/Xander)
Winter Garden, by kivrin. -- Giles and Xander find respite from their responsibilities with the New Council. (Giles/Xander)
Xander Harris and the Dark Lord: An Excruciating Correspondence, by powerofthebook. -- Based on a retcon from Comic #13 about letters exchanged between Dracula and Xander, spans from Season Five of Buffy to immediately post-Chosen. (Dracula, Xander; Anya/Xander mentioned)

Criminal Minds

Welcome (To The Jungle), by aoibhe. -- If you want it you're gonna bleed but it's the price you pay. (Morgan/Reid)

due South

A Lifetime Burning in Every Moment, by ignazwisdom, aka Ignaz Wisdom. -- The next time Ray flew up to the Northwest Territories, he decided to ride on the inside of the plane. (Fraser/Kowalski)
catch my troubled head, by nifra_idril. -- “I want to stay,” Ray didn’t say. - “Please stay,” Fraser didn’t ask him. (Fraser/Kowalski)
Everything I Needed To Know About Police Brutality I Learned From My Freakish Mountie Partner, by akamine_chan. -- “I'll never squeal, copper!” - Ray bit his lip hard to keep the laughter from spilling out. (Gen; Fraser, Kowalski)
Hooky & Class, by j_s_cavalcante. -- Sculptor!Ray and Professor!Fraser. Academic AU. (Fraser/Kowalski) --> REC!!
http://community.livejournal.com/ds_snippets/120636.html & Fallen, by akamine_chan. -- When it came to love, Ray had no fear, no hesitation. He just flung himself into the sky and hoped for the best. (Fraser/Kowalski)
The Age of Lead, by nos4a2no9. -- We found the body in the fourth week of our journey. Or rather, we found a button. We discovered the body quite by accident. (Fraser/Kowalski) --> REC!

Harry Potter

An extract from The Witch’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby Care, by Alarica Rosier. Chapter Nine: What if my Baby is a Squib?, by nineveh_uk. -- "I found this book engaging, informative, and frank. The chapter on "What if my baby is a Squib?" is particularly valuable for the responsible mother seeking full information on the best way to deal with the situation." Medea Mulciber, The Daily Prophet (Gen; non-fiction) --> REC!!
Don't Tell Percy, ok?, by ani_bester. -- 10- year- old Ron sharing Candy with Scabbers. (Gen; Ron, Scabbers) {ART}
Dream within a Dream, by ac1d6urn. -- There's a story about two people different as day and night, who hadn't had the best of childhoods. Both consider each other a bully and a coward, too wary to find what they have in common instead of what sets them apart. One morning they wake up young again, unlearning hurt or disappointment, still able to reach out a friendly hand to a stranger. They discover a better childhood and this time spend it next to a friend, a brother, a kindred spirit. (Gen; Harry, Severus) {ART}
Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness, by thanfiction. -- What happened at Hogwarts during the 7th year? (Gen; canon pairings) --> REC!
Help Wanted: God and Executioner, by pir8fancier. -- The last year of the war, and Harry’s getting a first-class primer on death, loss, the sanctity of one’s conscience, and sacrifice. (Harry/Severus) --> REC!!
here, where the world is quiet, by busaikko. -- After the war Remus and Severus try to help those children which were bitten by Greyback and infected. (Remus/Severus) --> REC!!
His Mother's Son, by iulia_linnea. -- Ron discovers that there are worse things than becoming his mum-and that those things aren't necessarily so terrible when faced as a father. (Hermione/Ron, Hermione/Severus)
In Gentle Slumber, by virginia_bell. -- The first time James kissed Lily, they were in their fifth year and she was a little bit on the drunk side of tipsy. (James/Lily)
Payback, by allaire. -- It's payback time. - Heed warnings! (Harry/Severus)
Kitten Claws and Mudblood Wars, by catsintheattic. -- Every crusade exacts a human cost, and Dolores is willing to see it paid in full. (Gen; Dolores Umbridge) --> REC!
Soft as a Dementor's Kiss, by googlebrat. -- The first thing it knew was the hunger. Life from a Dementor's point of view. (Gen) --> REC!!
Until We Meet Again, by hollycomb. -- Harry Potter, now considered a dangerous loner by Wizarding society, has financially provided for Teddy Lupin for the boy's entire life. Emotionally, however, he has been completely unavailable, until the summer before Teddy's final year at Hogwarts, when Teddy finally connects with his remote benefactor. (Harry/Teddy) --> REC!!


Mirrored Glass, by sarcasticchick. -- He was supposed to protect his people, starting with his servants and if Merlin believed he couldn't come to Arthur with this then of what purpose was Arthur? (Arthur/Merlin, pre-slash)
The Beast of Winter, by linaerys. -- Arthur fights a beast out of legend. (Arthur/Merlin)


all these things that i've done, by dirty_diana. -- "I didn't do it because I believed in it. I did it because I could. Because after Afghanistan, I didn't believe in much of anything anymore." (Gen; Colby Granger)

Stargate SG-1

Absolute, by redbyrd_sgfic' aka Redbyrd. -- Shifu was aptly named.. his visit illuminated a lot of things Daniel had known but not understood- and shown him some sharp-edged truths he hadn't been ready to face. Now he just had to find a way to live with the self-knowledge the dream had given him. (Gen; Daniel, team)
Four Days After Forever, by sg_wonderland. -- Grief shared is grief lessened. - A 'Forever in a Day' - tag. (Gen; Daniel, Gen. Hammond)
Hol Bel, by paian. -- Prompt: Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, glass dildo (Daniel/Jack)
In the Desert of Space, by iamrosalita. -- This story was written for lilblckdressfic and takes place during 'Unending'. Cam and Daniel find a way to pass the time while stuck in Cam's quarters. The story has been edited since its first posting. (Cameron/Daniel)

Stargate: Atlantis

And now my memories turn pale, by less_star. -- You grow up and leave your family. That’s how it’s supposed to be. (Gen; McKay, McKays, honorary uncles, Torren)
In This World, by wihluta. -- But now, for the first time in long years, he wanted to stay. - A 'Vegas' tag. (Gen; McKay, Sheppard)
Indistinguishable from Magic, by rhymer23. -- When John rubs a magic lamp-- "Magic?" squawked the genie, flapping its incorporeal arms. "How many times do I have to tell you that magic doesn't exist? And don't go pointing at the challenge title. Wish fulfillment? You can't just wish for something that's expressly against the laws of physics and have it come true just like that. It can't happen. Oh," it said, with an exaggerated incorporeal sigh. "We're in a story. That, apparently, makes everything okay. So go on, tell your stupid story. I bet no-one reads it. Magic and wishes? Pah!" (Gen; McKay, Sheppard, team)
Ooook Ook EEEK Oo-ook, Or: The Necessity of not being an Orang-Utan, by lavvyan. -- Notes: anatsuno wanted "the story where Rodney's the Librarian from Discworld. going Ook! :D" - thanks go to thisissirius for the quick beta. (McKay/Sheppard)
Subtext, by bjewelled. -- Fairy tales are a peculiarly Human thing, and they deal with particularly Human emotions. What’s an Asgard to do? (Gen; Hermiod, Novak)
The Bumblebee Myth, by bitter_crimson. -- Gender identity crises, sneaking into physics seminars, daring rescue schemes, and the complicated relationship between sex and eating. Oh, plus they're all insects (and one arachnid). (McKay/Sheppard & Team friendship. Supporting Dex/Keller, Emmagan/Kanaan, McKay & Zelenka friendship, brief Keller/McKay.)
The Hard Prayer, by rheanna27. -- One year after the end of the world, John meets another survivor. (McKay/Sheppard)
when I came I was a stranger, by harriet_spy. -- John is recruited. - A 'Vegas' AU. (Emmagan, McKay, Sheppard)


and hell followed with him, by kellifer_fic. -- Prompt: Sam transplanted to an alternate universe, where he was never born, all other Winchesters are alive and well, and the other PsyKids have taken over the world, supernatural civil war-style. (Gen; Sam, Dean, John, Mary, Bobby)
At First Touch, by cordeliadelayne. -- A chance meeting brings Castiel and Sam closer. Spoilers for all aired eps of season four. (Castiel/Sam)
Bad War, Good Soldier, by montisello. -- Sam celebrates Halloween in 2001 with an all-night party, John celebrates Halloween in 1967 with a trip to the hospital, and Dean gets a new jacket. (Gen; Dean, John, Sam)
But For The, by kellifer_fic. -- You’re sitting on your ass in an alternate universe, kiddo. Want to revise your thinkin’ on what’s not possible? - Sequel to and hell followed with him (Dean/Sam; John, Mary, Bobby)
Cement Rock City, by Sarah Ellen Parsons aka se_parsons. -- People suck. People who deal with demons suck even more. Timeframe - after “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things” before “Croatoan.” (Gen; Dean & Sam Winchester, MoW)
Chronicles of a Dark Steed, by gekizetsu, aka b stearns. -- In the same vein as 'diary of a dog' and 'diary of a cat', seen in a million chain emails across the world. We love you, Metallicar. (Gen; Impala)
Devil's In The Details, by morgan32. -- Jo only learned of Dean's deal when his year was over. Following Dean's death, she forms an unexpected friendship with Sam, who is still determined to save his brother from Hell. (Jo/Sam, [Dean/Jo implied])
Foggy Mirror, by smilla02. -- Foggy Mirror, NC-17, Castiel/Vessel, 810 words, slash. - Written as part of oxoniensis' Porn Battle VII, for azephirin's prompt, Take. (Castiel/Vessel)
Glimpse, by ygrawn. -- John figures Dean got the idea from that Dr. Seuss book about eggs and ham. When they tell Dean he’ll be getting a little brother or sister, Dean immediately says, “Oh, let’s call him Sam.” (Gen; Dean, John, Sam pre-series)
He woke me up again, by proofpudding. -- He woke me up again to say: Halle, Halle, Hallelujah. Holy, holy is the sound. (Castiel/Sam)
House of Burden, by Maygin. -- Within its walls lives a family that has never been touched by hate, fire or the Supernatural… but for one. (Gen; John/Mary)
Paradigm Shift, New Blood & Like Family, by lyra_wing. -- Future-fic, about 10 years into the future, and the Winchesters head their own division in the FBI. Spoilers up to "Nightshifter." (Gen; Dean, Sam, OC)
Someone Else's Girlfriend (the beer girl in a refrigerator remix), by fryadvocate. -- Just us girls. - Remix of To Cross the Universe, by trolllogicfics (Dean/Carmen, Carmen/OMC)
To Cross the Universe, by trolllogicfics. -- The man Sam finds strung up in the djinn’s lair is not his brother. - AU after 'What is and What Should Never Be'. [Remixed as Someone Else's Girlfriend (the beer girl in a refrigerator remix), by fryadvocate. (Gen; Dean, Sam)


A Matter of Lust, by nevoreiel. -- Fueled by a post (or two) where Ianto’s understated emotions were discussed. Ianto is inspirational, what can I say. So is Patrick Wolf’s "Overture." Definitely post-Cyberwoman, and pre-Countrycide perhaps. And I am in no way putting him down; it’s his 3rd person point of view. Thanks to the inconsistent characterization of the show itself, the fic comes across as bipolar, in my opinion, but what do I know. (Ianto/Jack)
Amends, by dsudis. -- The thing in the dark was what he'd come for, and he had not come empty-handed. (Gen; Ianto [post 'cyberwoman'])
An Excerpt from "A Guide to Earth’s Botanical Customs", by blue_fjords. -- Alien observation of the mistletoe plant. (Ianto/Jack, OC)
Beneath the Sheets Lies My Truth, by ladyflowdi. -- In fact, Ianto is so many damned things that he didn’t realize he needed saving until he met Jack Harkness, until Jack leapt into his life with his ridiculous coat and his ridiculous braces and his ridiculous smile. (Ianto/Jack)
Between the Shores, by misslucyjane. -- "Love changes you-for the better, if you're lucky-and I don't know if I can handle how you changed me. But you did change me, Jack, and then you were gone." (Ianto/Jack)
But One Man Loved The Pilgrim Soul In You, by lannamichaels. -- Ianto has never believed in luck. If he survives this, he'll start. (Ianto/Jack, Ianto/Lisa)
Cappuccinos and Bacon Rolls, by bertybertle. -- "He doesn’t know you. He doesn’t remember you. He’s forgotten you’re even there." (Ianto/Jack, Ianto/OMC [implied])
cause=time, by demotu. -- Conversations under the Ferris Wheel. (Ianto/Jack)
Choice, by torakowalski. -- Spoilers for 'Cyberwoman' and 'Countrycide'. Set immediately post-'Countrycide'. (Ianto/Jack)
Dance Without Sleeping, by seimaisin. -- Ten years after joining Torchwood, Gwen still lives with its particular demons. So does Jack. Sometimes, the demons are all they have to keep them company. (Gwen/Jack) # --> REC!
Danse Macabre, by valderys. -- A day in the very ordinary life of Ianto Jones. (Ianto/Jack)
Drabble with Jack & Suzie, by hab318princess. -- Based on a picture of ice skating and carousels! (Gen; Jack, Suzie)
Graphophilia, by apiphile. -- Writing on body. (Ianto/Jack)
Hamartia , by paperclipbitch. -- Ok. After all the shit that when down during the season finale, I felt it was time for some Owen/Ianto “but you shot me” fallout. (Ianto/Owen)
Hollow, by bitterfic. -- How do you live with being dead? (Jack/Owen) --> REC!
Ianto the Explorer, and the Adventure of Jack's Passage, by angelzbabe1989 & et_muse. -- The title says it all really. And yes, this is pretty much crack!fic... (Ianto/Jack)
It Didn't Start like This, Stuck On the Slow Path & The Times In-between, by szm. -- Ianto meets Jack earlier. Some things change, some not. (Ianto/Jack)
John Ellis, by fajrdrako. -- John Ellis explores Torchwood. (Ianto/Jack)
Listing to the Right, But Slowly, by kayliemalinza. -- Ianto makes a list. (Ianto/Jack)
Lonesome schoolboy, just came into town, by wildestranger. -- AU after Cyberwoman, Ianto becomes a rentboy. (Ianto/Jack)
Moving In, by ukcalico -- Ianto's first day at work. AKA, Oblivious Jack is oblivious! (Ianto/Jack)
Moving On, by frock. -- Angst and fluff. I liked the idea of them both being a bit outside the group. (Ianto/Tosh) REC!
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit, by derryderrydown. -- "You let Ianto fall into the Rift," Jack said, with a level of strained calm that had Owen edging towards the door. "Alright." He took a deep breath. "But you should know that nobody sleeps until we find him. And I'm probably going to fire you all." (Ianto/Jack)
Nice Coat, by adina_atl. -- The first time Ianto spotted Jack microwaving his greatcoat, he ignored it: it didn't threaten Lisa, couldn't help her. It wasn't important. (Sequel to Care And Feeding, by sam_storyteller, J/OMC) (Ianto/Jack)
Que Samsara, Sera, by valderys. -- ‘When all desire has vanished, a person will not be reborn anymore.’ Jack may be immortal, but Ianto Jones is nothing if not resourceful. If he can help it, Jack will never be alone again. (Ianto/Jack)
Random Clocks, by clarity_lore. -- Although Random Shoes was a bit hit and miss, I do like the idea of a stranger getting a glimpse into the Torchwood world and getting a different perspective. So meet Joe, a pretty average guy with a boring life, who finds himself the target of a vicious alien with a grudge and a handsome American Captain on the rebound... (Ianto/Jack, Jack/Joe)
Random Shoes (The Four Day Jones Remix), by marginaliana. -- He doesn't deserve to be forgotten. Jones and Jones (and Jones). AR. Ianto/Eugene/Martha, ultimately Ianto/Jack)
swing low, by demotu. -- Ianto and Gwen and a lack of momentum. (Ianto, Gwen, (Jack))
Tea, Torchwood Blend, by thaddeusfavour. -- Jack and Ianto drink tea and coffee, get together, break up, have some problems, and finally get together again. (Ianto/Jack)
Team Building, by iamshadow. -- Jack isn't looking for a team. Jack doesn't need a team. But Jack doesn't count on his team finding him. (Jack/Suzie, Owen/Suzie, Ianto/Jack)
Tempo Perdido, by paperclipbitch. -- Ianto watches Gwen dress, and wonders if it would be inappropriate to ask her to put the kettle on when she leaves. (Gwen/ Ianto [with pieces of Ianto/Jack, Gwen/Jack, Ianto/Lisa, and Gwen/Owen])
The Holiday Spirit, by hanuueshe. -- Nothings says Christmas like a trip through the Rift. (Gwen/Jack/Ianto; with mentions of Ianto/Lisa, Ianto/Jack and Gwen/Rhys) --> REC!
The Stars Are Projectors, by nightanddaze. -- Resolution after Flat Holm; where do circles begin? (Gwen/Ianto/Jack) --> REC!
Two Truths and a Lie, by jazie_star. -- Only at Torchwood could team bonding be dangerous. Spoilers for 'Greeks Bearing Gifts'. (Ianto/Jack) --> REC!
Us Ones in Between, by chemfishee. -- Some days - most days, lately - Ianto Jones thinks he’s in over his head. Post 'Exit Wounds'. (Ianto/Jack) --> REC!
What Lies Within, by xtricks. -- This is my attempt at an ‘episode’ and is long, plotty and pretty disturbing in some places. It also involves Jack/Ianto, plus the team (plus Jack/tentacle!sex). There’s um … some serious angst going on, illness/medical tropes and so on. I’ve also tried to do some funky things with font and color to reflect some of what’s going on. Not sure it worked, or is a good idea but why not take advantage of internet technology? Also, spoilers for ‘Greeks Bearing Gifts’. (Ianto/Jack)
Wild Wood, by stray_heart. -- Jack Harkness has many ghosts. Most of them are himself. (Ianto/Jack)
Yan, by winter_rose91. -- Jack and Ianto discuss pet names. (Ianto/Jack)
You and Me and the Empty Space Between, by sandrine. -- Finding comfort in unexpected places. [Five times Gwen and Ianto kissed.] (Gwen/Ianto) --> REC!

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Harry Potter

And Now for Something Completely Different, by ubimod. -- A late birthday fic for mundungus42, who asked for Willow/Luna, causing this to occur inside my whimsical brainpan. Nods to Doug Adams and Monty Python (inspired by beer_good_foamy’s recent Buffy/Holy Grail icons, even though I used Flying Circus). (Luna Lovegood/Willow Rosenberg)

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Stargate - 'verse

I Dream Of You, To Wake, by havocthecat. -- SG-1 and Cassie attend Janet's wake and set events in motion with a wish. Later, Elizabeth and John look for Ancient texts hidden away on Earth. In Los Angeles. In the Hyperion hotel, specifically. (Gen; Sam Carter, Cassie Fraiser, Halfrek, Illyria, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Qetesh, John Sheppard, Spike, Teal'c, Elizabeth Weir, Wesley Wyndham-Pryce)

X - Over: Buffy - 'verse/Torchwood

Captain Spike, by elisi. -- Jack meets Spike. (Jack, Torchwood team, Spike, Angel, Illyria)

X - Over: Doctor Who/Torchwood

Shakeswood (aka, A Torchwood Twelfth Night), by dustbunnygirl. -- Take Torchwood, throw it into a blender with Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, and put it on frappe. Serve slightly chilled. (Ianto/Jack, Doctor/Gwen, Owen/Tosh) --> REC!

X - Over: due South/Stargate: Atlantis

Birds of a Feather, by julia_here. -- PG, Childhood stories and adult friendship. Nothing you couldn't read to your grandmother, unless your grandmother is Martha Fraser. (Gen; Benton Fraser, Rodney McKay) --> REC!
North by Northwest, by ceitie. -- Constable Teyla Emmagan first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of - oh, you know how it goes. (mostly Gen with Teyla/Elizabeth UST and mention of Teyla/Sora.)

X - Over: Doctor Who/Stargate: Atlantis

The Longest Three-Week Day, by michelel72. -- Another day, another "science conference" gone horribly wrong. For once, Dr. Rodney McKay gets help saving the world … but then Donna Noble remembers. (Rodney McKay/Donna Noble; team)

X - Over: Doctor Who/Stargate: Atlantis/Torchwood

Necessary Meetings, by ladyyueh. -- A meeting, or two. (Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Jeannie McKay, Jack Harkness. References: Rodney McKay/Jack Harkness, vague: McShep)

X - Over: Stargate SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis

Made to be Broken, by Tierney Beckett. -- (Gen; Carter, O'Neill, Sheppard)

X - Over: Stargate: Atlantis/Supernatural

The Old World, by aesc. -- "The Old World" is, for the canon-savvy, set at some point before the fallout from events in 5.19 in SGA and some time after 4.10 in SPN, although I've tried to set up explanations so you don't need to know canon for both shows in detail... Really, the fic now is kind of an excuse to fuse some of the Stargate canon with scriptural midrash and apocrypha, because I find that way too fun not to do. (McKay/Sheppard; Dean, Sam, Castiel)

X - Over: Supernatural/Torchwood

TW Drabble (crossover with SPN), by out_there. -- This is, clearly, ekaterinn's fault for suggesting: 'With Ianto. And possibly Dean Winchester. Mmm. Now, that's a crossover someone should write.' (Gen; Dean, Ianto, Jack)

fandom: stargate atlantis, rec: fanfic, fandom: crossover, fandom: merlin, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: harry potter, fandom: due south, fandom: stargate sg-1, fandom: supernatural, fanfiction - log: 2009, fandom: angel the series, fandom: torchwood, fandom

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