Feb 02, 2016 12:08
- Bandom (Art): frank's dog, by Lizlemay. (SFW)
Bandom (My Chemical Romance) | Gen; Frank Iero, dog | G (SFW)
Frank Iero and a dog.
-- > Love the use of watercolors here. Both Frank and the dog look so happy, it's lovely.
(tags: c:dog c:frank.iero f:my.chemical.romance f:bandom -fanart -fanart:sfw -fanart:watercolors o:gen r:g m:13/15 x:dogs x:peaceful.and.happy )
- Xena (Art): Xena and Gabrielle, by sutexii. (SFW)
Xena | Gabrielle/Xena | G (SFW)
so i’ve been watching xena and it’s the single gayest show i’ve ever seen
-- > This is awesome. I really like the way they look at each other.
(tags: c:gabrielle c:xena f:xena o:f/f p:gabrielle/xena r:g -fanart -fanart:sfw x:love x:lovely a:female.character )
- HP (Art): He wants to laugh at the irony, he really does, as..., by alekina. (SFW)
Harry Potter | Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter | G (SFW)
He wants to laugh at the irony, he really does, as he lets Potter brand his arm and override the dark mark with a new one.
-- > Oh, this is gorgeous! I love the use of the colors, and how it looks so eerie.
(tags: c:draco.malfoy c:harry.potter f:harry.potter m:14/15 o:m/m p:draco.malfoy/harry.potter r:g -fanart -fanart:sfw x:dark.mark )
- HP (Art): The Little Half-Blood Prince Learns a Lesson. Page 9, by . (SFW)
Harry Potter | Gen; Severus Snape | G (SFW)
Page 9 of The Little Goblin Book, The Little Half-Blood Prince Learns a Lesson.
-- > This is both cute and disturbing, mostly because of the contrast between the cute, children's book drawing style and the subject matter.
(tags: c:severus.snape f:harry.potter -fanart -fanart:sfw -fanart:digital x:character-driven o:gen m:11/15 r:g )
This entry was originally posted at http://thady.dreamwidth.org/325533.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
rec: fanart: xena,
rec: fanart: harry potter,
fandom: bandom,
fandom: xena,
fandom: harry potter,
rec: fanart,
rec: bandom,
rec: xena,
rec: fanart: bandom,
rec: harry potter,