Wednesday Reading: week 01.

Jan 06, 2016 21:42

What I have finished reading:

Terry Pratchett: Small Gods
I've finally finished reading this last year. Once I got into it again, it went by really fast. I liked Brutha, and how he developed as a character, and I like Om. Still, I need to think a little more on this.

Terry Pratchett: Men at Arms
This one however went much faster. I love Sam Vimes, and Angua, and Carrot, and Vetinari, and I liked the mystery.

Hikaru Nakamura: Saint Young Men [ 聖☆おにいさん, Seinto Oniisan], Vol. 3
This is a slice-of-life comedy manga, in which Buddha und Jesus go on vacation in Japan. It's very funny, but it never feels disrespectful. I like their friendship, and all the things I learn.

What I'm reading now:

Hikaru Nakamura: Saint Young Men [ 聖☆おにいさん, Seinto Oniisan], Vol. 4
More of the same. Since I love the same, this is awesome. I space the chapters out a little though.

Robin McKinley: The Blue Sword
I can see things that might annoy in any other novel, but I love Harry, and I really want to know more. It's a very fast read.

Tuula Karjalainer: Tove Jansson. Die Biographie (Tove Jansson. The Biography) [Tove Jansson, Tee työtä ja rakasta]
It started really interesting, but then I got swept away by "The Blue Swords". Still, when I've finished that I'll return to it.

What I’m going to read next:

Tove Jansson: Die Tochter des Bildhauers (Sculptor's Daughter: A Childhood Memoir) [Bildhuggarens dotter]
Since I'll need a lighter book to read for the way to work, I'll probabyl take this one.

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