All caught up on the days now! \o/
- CA (Art): practice, by dona_huang.
Captain America (Movies) | Gen; Bucky Barnes | G (SFW)
-- > This is gorgeous. Love Bucky's pose here, and the colours and the quality of light.
(tags: 14/15 james_bucky_barnes gen g captain_america(movies) fanart )
- CA (Art): I’m with you till the end of the line, by donap_huang.
CAptain America (Movies) | James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers | G (SFW)
I’m with you till the end of the line
-- > Love the pose, and Steve hugging Bucky, and the colours and how the background fades to the back to put center-stage for the two of them.
(tags: m/m fanart captain_america(movies) james_bucky_barnes/steve_rogers g apocalypse )
- HP (Art): Ce rêve bleu, by
Harry Potter | Daphne Greengrass/Pansy Parkinson | G (SFW)
Daphne and Pansy spend their holidays together in a very dreamy mood.
-- > Love the mood of this picture. It's very sweet, they look happy.
(tags: f/f fanart harry_potter(fandom) daphne_greengrass pansy_parkinson daphne_greengrass/pansy_parkinson g christmas holidays fluff warm rare_pairing female_character )
- Merlin (Art): So we meet and fall in love Yule, by Alexandarcho.
Merlin (BBC) | Merlin Emrys/Arhur Pendragaon | G (SFW)
December 22 is the winter solstice, the moment of the sun's return. And the warlock finally meets his sun again on this very day. Reincarnation AU. ( can just ignore the summary cuz I don't see anything in the painting is relevant to it LOL)
-- > Love the colours, and Arthur and Merlin and their expressions.
(tags: m/m merlin(bbc) merlin_emrys merlin_emrys/arthur_pendragon arthur_pendragon christmas au:reincarnation au:modern-times )
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