Dec 19: FF - Doctor Who

Dec 22, 2014 07:33

  • DW: Adventure of the Hopping Vampire, by David Hines (hradzka).

    Doctor Who (2005) | Jenny/Vastra | PG-13 | ~ 29,300 words

    SOME OF OUR MORE IMAGINATIVE READERS INFORM US that the events of the past few days -- the grisly deaths, the tragic fire, the flying carriage that caused the egregious delays on the Metropolitan and District Railway -- are attributable to the fevered pursuit of a Chinese vampire, known in its native land as a jiang shi, by the adventuress detective Madame Vastra. These readers, whose persistent letters are beginning to become tiresome, claim that this is but one of many times Madame Vastra's unravelling of a mystery has saved all of an unknowing London.
    We advise these peculiar devotees that we have yet again sought an audience with Madame Vastra, who, as ever, politely declines comment on any of the wilder rumors in circulation, but wishes it known that any unusual cases requiring investigation may be brought to her attention care of this newspaper.

    -- > Great plotty story. Love the characterization.

    (tags: jenny_flint vastra jenny_flint/vastra pg-13 case-fic f/f female_character supporting_character 20.000-40.000 13/15 doctor_who_2005 doctor_who )

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