Reading Wednesday - KW 41

Oct 09, 2014 12:43

What I have finished reading:

Fair Play, by Tove Jannson.
-- This came out this year, just in time for the Frankfurt book fair. And I liked it, even though I'm not sure I was in the right mood for it. Two ships passing in the night...
However I loved how the two characters related to each other. There was a lot of love and respect for each other.

What I'm reading now:

Buchmalerei verstehen [Understanding illumination], by Norbert Wolf.
-- An introduction into European medieval illumination. A bit dense, and a bit dismissive of modern media and mass produced books, I think. Nevertheless interesting. Still slow going, there's just so much information. I get the feeling that the author presumes a lot of historical knowledge of the middle ages.

Wyrd Sisters, by Terry Pratchett.
-- I love this book. It's the third time I'm reading it, but it hasn't lost any of its fun for me. I love Granny Weatherwax.
What I really love about the Discworld is, that you can read them without knowing all the references. However, if you do know them the books are so much richer. I remember reading Macbeath when I was a pretentious little teenager, and then later on again in college, and it really grounds this story for me.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor.
- I'm only three chapters in (they are not very long), but so far I really like it. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I'm so slow going because I can barely concentrate, but I have an idea where this is going. Karou is the daughter of an angel and a demon.

What I'm going to read next:

- The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner. Still. (Who is going to believe me? I'm not sure I believe me. Perhaps I read it this year?)
Other than that, either The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring or Broken Lands.

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books: young adult, books: literary, reading wednesday, reading wednesday: 2014, books: non-fiction, books: fantasy, reading, books, reading: non-fiction, reading: fiction

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