Jul 11, 2014 13:26
- HP: Light and Variable Winds, by downjune.
Luna has always had to be careful with emotion, thanks to an abundance of wild magic on her mother's side. With Harry, she finally feels safe.
-- > Great characterization. Absolutely love Luna here, Harry is great and the sex is hot too.
(tags: harry_potter(fandom) harry_potter luna_lovegood luna_lovegood/harry_potter nc-17 12/15 1.000-5.000 porn-with-character post-war first-time romance porn f/m rare_pairing female_character )
- LotR: The Secrets of the Lonely Mountain, by Lisafer.
Legolas is sent to Erebor after the War of the Ring, where he's given the chance to meet up with Gimli again.
Predominantly book-verse. And I feel it should be subtitled "Adventures in Moodiness: Featuring an Elf and a Dwarf".
-- > Wonderful romance, with pining and great characterization.
(tags: g the_lord_of_the_rings_-_j.r.r._tolkien the_lord_of_the_rings_-_all_media_types legolas_greenleaf gimli glóin dwalin gimli/legolas_greenleaf m/m romance friendship first-kiss secrets interspecies_relationship family meeting-the-family cultural-misunderstandings 10.000-20.000 13/15 small_fandom )
- SGA: Mau Loa Means the Time We Have, by Gaia.
AU in which John never gets to Antarctica. He and Rodney meet anyway. On Hawaii.
-- > This story blew me away when I first read it, and I've since re-read it a couple of times. It has wonderful character development and I love the interaction between John and Rodney. My heart breaks for both of them.
I love how the story plays out and I realized what happened to Rodney only at the end of it.
(tags: alternate-reality stargate_atlantis rodney_mckay john_sheppard rodney_mckay/john_sheppard m/m pg-13 angst first-time romance 12/15 10.000-20.000 )
- SG-1: The Memory of Race, by pipisafoat.
Where does Egeria come from?
-- > What might have been the beginning, very interesting view.
(tags: egeria supporting_character goa'uld stargate_sg1 gen 1-1.000 12/15 female_character backstory pg-13 )
- Avengers: On Leave (The World Keeps Spinning), by Evandar.
Maria Hill is not unaffected by the battle in New York (though she wishes she was). Being on leave is more of a challenge these days; she just can't believe that the world keeps spinning.
-- > Wonderful character study. Love the contrast between the city and Maria.
(tags: female_character supporting_character maria_hill ptsd post-movie women-are-awesome 13/15 1.000-5.000 bechdel-test-pass pg-13 the_avengers(2012) )
- SPN: Abnormal, by alazysod.
There is always something deeper to this, because nothing abnormal is simple.
-- > Ouch. This hurt, very much so. I still love it. Very subtle, very realistic. I could see this on the show, if it were ever inclined to go there.
(tags: angst drama incest sam_winchester dean_winchester dean_winchester/sam_winchester supernatural_(fandom) m/m 1-1.000 r )
This entry was originally posted at
http://thady.dreamwidth.org/131783.html. Please comment there using
fandom: stargate atlantis,
fandom: lord of the rings,
rec: fanfic,
features: supporting characters,
fandom: harry potter,
fandom: stargate sg-1,
fandom: supernatural,
fandom: the avengers,
features: rare pairing,
features: small fandom,
rec: pinboard,