- TW: Twenty things to do in Cardiff when you're dead, by phineyj.
FIC SUMMARY: See title.
-- > Owen in fanfiction is really hit or miss for me, but I really loved him here. His characterization is to the point, and I loved the plot and his development. I liked how each part highlighted a piece of his personality and how everything together paints a vivid picture of him. The story blends humor and drama so well that it'd be difficult to put it solely in either category.
(tags: torchwood pg-13 11/15 owen_harper gen 1.000-5.000 character-study )
- SG-1: Penmanship, by Salieri.
General Hammond and Teal'c, season 1. Mission reports.
-- > This is a wonderful view on Teal'c. Gen. Hammond is a very perceptive man, and I love how sees both Teal'c and his society.
(tags: gen george_hammond teal'c character-study character_of_color supporting_character competence stargate_sg1 1-1.000 13/15 )
- SGA: Look Up In the Sky, by teand.
Perception is everything.
-- > The show usually focuses on the main characters, as does most fanfiction. It's nice to see those little things that don't make it into the show. It's always good to be reminded of the people who are doing the more everyday sort of work, but are just as necessary and heroic as a McKay or a Sheppard.
I really love Weir's voice here.
(tags: gen elizabeth_weir richard_woolsey 1.000-5.000 11/15 competence character-study supporting_character female_character missing-scene women-are-awesome stargate_atlantis g )
- DS: Words on Paper Spill Into the Air, by HSavinien.
Frannie's taking a vacation. In Canada. Hey, nobody ever said she wasn't a little bit adventurous.
-- > I really love Frannie and Maggie being friends. They work really well together.
(tags: g gen female_character female-female-friendship supporting_character due_south 1.000-5.000 13/15 bechdel-test-pass pen-pals )
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