May 26, 2014 17:35
- Hockey RPF: Five emotions Ryan Nugent-Hopkins didn't expect to feel the year he made the NHL, by athenejen.
In which Ryan Nugent-Hopkins spends a lot of time hanging out with Taylor Hall and Jordan Eberle, thinking too much and having far too many feelings.
-- > Adorable and sweet with the right amount of pining and sex.
(tags: jordan_eberle/taylor_hall/ryan_nugent-hopkins moresome threesome m/m/m edmonton-oilers blowjob oral-sex mutual-masturbation cuddling&snuggling first-time romance hockey-rpf rpf nc-17 5.000-10.000 11/15 )
- Hockey RPF: Four Dudes Who Help Taylor Hall Get Over Jordan Eberle, by 7iris.
It’s not like he didn’t know it was coming. But maybe he lets himself forget about it, because when Ebs tells him at the beginning of the season that he and Lauren are moving in together next year, it feels like a sucker punch.
-- > Great character interactions. Love Taylor here, and Sam is awesome.
(tags: taylor_hall sam_gagner jordan_eberle paul_bissonnette ryan_nugent-hopkins sam_gagner/taylor_hall taylor_hall/omc(s) pg-13 12/15 5.000-10.000 angst edmonton-oilers hockey-rpf rpf friendship male-male-frienship rare_pairing )
- Hockey RPF: Kriegspiel, by colbertesque.
"'You need to teach me to play chess,' Kaner says one day, coming up behind Jonny in the parking lot of the UC.
'Mmph?' Jonny says, because his mouth is full of the apple he's just bitten into, and also because Kaner is pulling on the hood of his jacket like a child who wants attention."
(In which Jonny and Kaner play chess and fall in love.)
-- > Funny and cute.
(tags: 10/15 1.000-5.000 hockey-rpf rpf nc-17 first-time jonathan_toews patrick_kane/jonathan_toews patrick_kane m/m cute fluff )
- SG-1: Five Reasons Vala Started Wearing Pigtails, by Paian.
See title.
-- > Great character study.
(tags: 1.000-5.000 13/15 stargate_sg1 vala_mal_doran female_character 5-things self-soothing seduction word-play character-study )
- HP: stone by stone i left my only home, by liseuse.
After leaving Hogwarts, Cho steps half out of the Wizarding World.
-- > I love Cho here, dealing after the war. Love the interaction between all the characters and how they took care of each other. Love the slow build of the romance between Cho and Luna.
(tags: cho_chang luna_lovegood cho_chang/luna_lovegood rare_pairing f/f femme-slash female_character female-female-friendship first-time post-war post-series healing romance pg character_of_color 1.000-5.000 13/15 harry_potter(fandom) )
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fandom: hockey rpf,
features: female character,
fandom: rpf,
rec: fanfic,
fandom: harry potter,
fandom: stargate sg-1,
features: rare pairing,
features: character of color,
rec: pinboard