REC: due South

Nov 01, 2013 20:03

Blood And Pine Needles, by

due South | Benton Fraser/Victoria Metcalfe | R | ~ 640 words
Notes: Unbeta'd. Might suck. This was supposed to be for the challenge over at ds_snippets, but it grew a little more than I planned. Heavily influenced by spuffyduds' Hard Core Logo ficlet Destination. Also brought about by plotbunniofdoom's request at ds_recfinder about fics where Vecchio missed or didn't shoot Fraser and Fraser took off with Victoria. This is not one of those fics, by the way. There are no right answers with this one. Interpretations will vary among readers...*g*
Warnings: death fic, suicide

-- > This is still deliciously creepy, chilling in the best way.

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fandom: due south, rec: fanfic, rec, features: female characters, fandom

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