Art-rec link-dump (4)

Oct 05, 2011 19:12

Shadow of a Doubt, by anon.
Harry Potter | Remus Lupin/Sirius Black | G, WS

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow, by anon.
Harry Potter | Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson | PG, WS

Afterglow, by anon.
Harry Potter | Hermione Granger/Severus Snape | R, NSFW | Colored pencil and ink

Just Who is Fake, Who's Real?, by anon.
Harry Potter | Ginny Weasley/Tom Riddle (with background Lavender/Neville and Bill/Tonks) | R, NSFW

Favorite Part, by X-Arielle.
Disney | Belle (Beauty and the Beast)/Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) | G, SFW

Cat-Skin, by bluefooted.
Fairy Tales (Cat Skin) | The Princess | G

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fandom: original, fandom: harry potter, rec: fanart

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