BoB: A Battle Lost, by sua_lay.
A Battle Lost, by
Band of Brothers | Kind of Sobel/Winters, Nixon/Winters. But not really. | PG | ~ 1,980 words
Captain Sobel has to let go of his men.
Warnings: possibly disturbing content
-- > Actually I'd call it gen.
This is story is certainly older than six months (it was posted 2004). But it is still one of those stories that stayed with me, even after all these years. Re-reading it now makes me realize how much this character study of Sobel imprinted on the way I view the character. Intense and fascinating.
HP: Those Who Are Vigilant, by dracofiend & the_con_cept
Those Who Are Vigilant, by
dracofiend and
Harry Potter | Harry Potter/Severus Snape | NC-17 | ~ 39,500 words
The defeat of Voldemort leads to the rise of an authoritarian regime within the wizarding world. As Scrimgeour’s Ministry grows ever more oppressive, Harry finds himself being pressed into a new battle by two men: one ambitious and untested, the other embittered and cynical.
Warnings: Post-war AU; some themes relating to infidelity.
-- > Anybody with only a slight interest in a tightly plotted story, in political intrigue, in intriguing and complex characters should take a look at this story. I know that when I started reading I just couldn't stop.
TW: Each Our Own Devil, by valderys.
Each Our Own Devil, by
Torchwood | Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness, Lisa | PG | ~ 3,300 words
Everyone wants to be unique, wants to be loved - but Ianto has tools in his arsenal to ensure it.
Warning: dark themes
-- > A wonderful look into a dark and twisted Ianto. While my Ianto in my head isn't quite like this, I can see this version of Ianto. Re-reading this now it still impresses me with the way the story enfolds, the mood darkening slowly.
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