Oct 19, 2008 23:52
Am up and running on too many projects, but the deadline pressure is a sweet rush. I said at my writing group today that deadline pressure is a totally addictive high and, like a junkie, I am in its thrall. Thought I'd share that.
ACNW games are looking good, waiting for the character writeups to start flooding my inbox. Starting to detail plots and plan for various players and characters. Three Weeks til ACNW!!!! Luckily, I only have to write up 1 character of my own (for Jennifer Zimmerman's Chronoguard 2.0), and then, only because I can't find him from last year!
I have two short stories in final draft/touch up/formatting stage, and a couple in the rough.
Add to that a couple of regular games to iron out and touch up and I have a ton of keyboard time to wrack up!!!
So why oh why did I just spend an hour and a half watching Tivo'd Venture Bros. episodes? Cuz I needed a fix of being desperate for time.
My plan to detox: get up, write for 4-5 hours straight. EVERY DAMN DAY. Barring that, I could ask the wife to put a parent advisory code on the TiVO and only give me access when I show her a manuscript.... ( I think my deadlines would quickly become Thursdays, since I am locked into It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Life on Mars)
I also have a cunning plan to leave Olympia on Nov. 2nd and disappear with my cool new notebook computer until Thursday the 6th and spend 3 and a half days by myself, writing. I am even disabling the wireless!!