100. I am a big fat bandwagon jumper

Jan 04, 2006 20:41

99. Twin Peaks is the greatest TV show of all time. I've never gotten tired of it.
98. I have conversations with people in my head constantly. I've probably talked to you in my head on several occasions.
97. I've done interviews on talk shows and conducted entire relationships with famous people in my head.
96. When I was young I was so involved with my head conversations that I would accuse my parents of saying things in real life that had actually been said in one of my imaginary conversations.
96. I hate phones and rarely answer mine.
95. Whenever I meet a guy I check out his package, I don't mean to but I've been doing it since I was about nine or ten and I just can't stop.
94. I go to bed at night looking forward to my first cup of coffee in the morning.
93. I collect phrases that I love in notebooks.
92. "Umbrage" is the best word ever and needs to be brought back.
91. I reread "The Thorn Birds" once a year (its a trashy romance about a priest and a girl who fall in love).
90. When I was young I was obsessed with the Beatles...and I kind of still am.
89. I spent from 2nd to 6th grade with a Beatles haircut...and am thinking about getting it again.
88. When I was 10 years old I turned the Sgt. Pepper's Album into a musical about a girl who ran away from home.
87. I used to write plays for the kids in my neighborhood to perform for our parents.
86. When I was 13 I fell in love with Evita partially because she ran away from home and made it big.
85. When I was 17 I ran away from home, got an apartment and worked in a truck stop in Belle Fourche, South Dakota.
84. I believe that my heart's home is there and Rob and I will retire there.
83. The red tailed hawk is my Spirit animal (and yes I know how flaky that sounds).
82. It takes me one to two years knowing someone to become really comfortable with a person.
81. Road rage really bothers me, even if it's just flipping the bird.
80. Every few years I watch The Thorn Birds miniseries in one night.
79. I used to live my life to be a writer which in my head meant having lots of experiences.
78. I dated a ex-con drug dealer just for the experience.
77. Once when I was young my mom took me by the hand and told me that there was no such thing as love, there was commitment and that was as good as it got.
76. She's sorry she said that.
75. My family is made up of addicts and co-dependants.
74. Sherman Alexie is my favorite writer and is the reason that I fell in love with the short story.
73. I think gay men are generally automatically 20% cooler than anybody else.
72. I touch my nose too much because I'm really self-conscious of it.
71. I would get a nose job if it were cheaper.
70. Rob says I wouldn't be me if I didn't have my nose and it makes me love him more.
69. I named my first son (Ren) after a junkie in the movie Trainspotting and Kevin Bacon's character in Footloose.
68. I totally play dress up in my room too.
67. Southland Mall/Flea Market is my sanctuary. I go there to think.
66. I thrift shop twice a week.
65. I think old is better than new. Old stuff has a story to tell.
64. My best friend and I always get mistaken for brother and sister.
63. I have been going to the same bar for 9 years.
62. When I meet someone I usually compare myself to them.
61. I really wish I didn't so that.
60. I'm a little afraid a lot of the time.
59. I collect books and write little notes to myself in them so when I read them again I can remember something that I was going through the first time I read it.
58. When I was 14 I fell in love with Stuart Smalley and not in the "I think he's a goober" kind of way but in that "wow I wish he were real so I could hang with him" way.
57. I love geeky awkward people.
56. Tall skinny lanky boys completely do it for me.
55. I married a short and stout boy who completely does it for me.
54. I've never fully connected with another mom, there is soooooo much going on when two moms try to become friends.
53. That makes me sad.
52. I have a really hard time talking to people in person.
51. I over analyze everything which is part of why I have a hard time talking to people, I need pauses in the conversation to fully process what's being said.
50. I love print ads.
49. Especially old ones.
48. I try to imagine what the advertisers must think of me when they think that this ad will make me want to buy something.
47. I am totally susceptible to peer pressure. But only if they are peers I respect.
46. Road trips are heaven.
45. I am a technophobe.
44. When I met Rob he had a girlfriend.
43. I've never fully forgiven myself for pursuing him anyway.
42. I wonder about her a lot.
41. It took awhile for Rob and I to really learn to respect each other because of it.
40. Rob proposed in an Applebee's by saying, "Fine, you want to get married we'll fucking get married."
41. I HATE chain restaurants.
40. I was two weeks from my due date when I married Rob.
42. I wore a giant blue tarp of a dress and I waddled down the aisle.
43. There were only twelve people at our wedding in the woods.
44. I cannot imagine a more perfect wedding for us.
45. I absolutely believe in miracles.
44. I am sort of sickeningly in love with my husband now.
43. A random man at a truck stop once told me that I had wanderlust in my soul and that I shouldn't worry because I will get everything that I want but it just takes time.
42. One night in another truck stop at about 2am in South Dakota when I was a runaway and all worried about being caught, there was a little girl running around dancing. She was there with her dad who was the only other customer in the place. He was complaining about his ex-wife to the waitress who was complaining about her job and her kids. The girl ran up to her Dad and started tugging on his arm while she was dancing and she said, "Daddy, Daddy, can you hear the moon? It's singing!" and she danced away with the happiest look on her face. I love that story.
41. I believe in guardian angels.
40. I worked third shift at a tee-jays country place for two years and made great money off the drunks.
39. Crazy things happened on full moon nights. I once walked into the mens bathroom to find a naked mentally ill man squatting in an open stall with toilet paper coming down off the roll down to the floor then tucked up into his ass. When asked what he was doing he said, "I'm waiting for the fax machine to stop working."
38. For some reason business men stop and check me out.
37. I love people on the whole...or at least I love our stories.
36. I play the guitar and the piano but not very well.
35. I write cheesy folk songs on the guitar about the stories around me.
34. "'What time is it?' said the judge to Joey when they met. 'Five to ten' said Joey. Judge said, 'That's exactly what you get'" is the best line ever fit somehow into music (Bob Dylan, "Joey")
33. This was my Grampa's state highway patrol number and he said before he died that when we saw it we should think of him. When I lived in his old house I used to wake up at 3:33 on a regular basis for no known reason.
32. I believe in signs. Life is meant to be interpreted.
31. I secretly smell everything, like if I'm folding clothes at gap I sneak each piece up to my nose, or if I'm at a restaurant I'll try to find a way to smell the plates and silverware, etc. I don't wear perfume or smelly lotions because it interferes with other smells.
30. An ex-boyfriend brought it to my attention because I actually never noticed that I was doing it.
29. I'm a big napper.
28. I don't tend to hold onto any absolutes because whenever I say I would NEVER do this or I would ALWAYS be like that, I get knocked off my high horse pretty damn hard.
27. I would love to be a costume designer.
26. I love giant squids ever since my cousin took me to the Smithsonian and showed me the dead one in the case tucked in the back.
25. When I'm older I will dye my hair black and leave one streak of white/grey down one side.
24. My perfect day would be include a 6 am coffee at staufs, shopping for fresh flowers, produce, and meats at the north market, a few hours spent alone writing and reading, late afternoon playing with the boys and making dinner, family bedtime, and then sitting on my porch with Rob sipping wine and talking all night long.
23. I wish smoking were good for you. For some reason I miss it occasionally, like on road trips.
22. If Rob left me I always say I would marry a rich man, start chain smoking and drinking fancy cocktails, then have lots of affairs with young artists like Peggy Guggenheim did..."If you want your grant you'd better earn it baby".
21. I wouldn't really but it makes me smile anyway.
20. I always knew I'd only have boys.
19. Ren and Eli are exactly the nutty kids I would have imagined for myself.
18. My little family is all I really need in this world, I try to remind myself of that when I get all hung up on stupidness.
17. I've never liked drugs, they make me feel too out of control.
16. I'm in love with Jeffery Brown. Clumsy is a genius work of art.
15. I want to be an artist but I'm just not that great at it.
14. In high school I used to write wild stories about my friends, for my friends. I was always flattered that they wanted more.
13. I HATE when people combine two cliches or metaphors into one completely wrong one.
12. I love to pray and meditate.
11. I love to go out dancing and I hope that I never get too old for it. Though I don't do it as often as I used to.
10. Somedays are opera days in my house and everyone has to sing everything. Ren loves it.
9. Taking walks with my three boys is my very favorite thing to do.
8. Sometimes I feel like I've got a lot of boy in me. But he's pretty gay so it doesn't show too much.
7. I wear a black jelly bracelet and so do my two best friends. We all wanted to wear one while in high school but worried about what other people would say. So when we found each other it was sort of a revelation. It sort of symbolizes that we can be who we want to be because of the people who love us.
6. I wonder a lot about the people I've known who I know longer see.
5. I am a total cheese ball, I like puns...seriously.
4. I pretty much only wear jeans except in summer when I wear skirts or cuffed jeans.
3. I can cook but I cannot bake.
2. I've planned the funeral and the eulogy I would give for every person I love.
1. I don't know exactly where my life is headed right now but I am feeling very open to the possibilities.
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