101 things to do in 1001 days

Sep 28, 2010 02:24

101 Things in 1001 Days is the brainchild of Michael Green, a blogger and developer from NZ. He created a list of tasks to achieve within a defined period, and the idea quickly spread around the web as a tool for helping people accomplish their goals.

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

start date: january 01 2008 - september 28th 2010

001. host a dinner party
002. cook one new recipe a month
003. keep track of all expenses for an entire month
004. send a postcard to postsecret
005. take one yoga class
006. learn how to make sticky rice
007. be able to touch my toes without bending knees
008. Get my G1
009. complete project 365
010. moisturize every day ... yuck! no more dry skin
011. get BMI into healthy range
012. get a bicycle ... and ride it
013. if i'm at home with teddy, walk him at least once a day
014. go skinny dipping in a natural body of water
015. learn how to walk in heels
016. hold at least $1000 in savings account for at least a month
017. start and finish one scrapbook
018. print out all digital photos from previous years
019. paint room (in Hamilton)
020. organize and clean desk (in Toronto)
021. make a ‘to-do’ list everyday
022. stop peeling my toe nails
023. no fast food for a month
024. decline plastic bags wherever possible
025. buy one of those one word a day calendars
026. use that one word a day at least once for a month
027. give blood
028. buy a new camera
029. run through a field
030. go somewhere where I have to take an airplane to get there vegas!
031. have a sex and the city marathon
032. learn how to make creme brulee
033. buy a kick ass bra
034. stop swearing for one month
035. learn sign language … or at least learn the alphabet!
036. take a road trip! NYC!
037. floss
038. make my bed everyday
039. get tickets to a tv show taping the hills after show! lol stacey took the tickets though.
040. get an apprenticeship with a reputable chef
041. watch an indie film
042. go to a Cambodian restaurant
043. watch at least one movie previewed during TIFF
044. get fitter, feel better
045. learn to make sushi
046. for one month, learn at least one new joke a day and tell it to someone
047. bring lunch everyday to school for a month
048. try to get tickets to see oprah
049. 'aspire not to have more, but to be more.'
050. go to an art gallery
051. watch all the episodes of boy meets world
052. eat at one of Jamie Kennedy’s restaurant gilead cafe
053. do something I think I’m unable to do
054. learn to play every song on guitar hero three
055. go for high tea at the fairmont royal york hotel
056. take a picture with santa
057. learn how to properly play poker
058. drink only water for a week
059. actually do something different with my hair everyday for a month
060. pack & have a picnic
061. take a ride on the maid of the mist
062. volunteer some time for a good cause
063. buy a fish, keep it alive
064. plant tulips from a bulb
065. explore Toronto like I’m a tourist
066. go to a strip club!
067. run/walk a marathon
068. hold a snake
069. read ‘the perks of being a wallflower’ by Stephen Chbosky
070. start and complete all of the star war movies
071. watch all of IMBD’s top 250 movies
072. participate in a Habitat for Humanity project or something similar
073. make fresh bread sourdough! so good with warm buttah
074. learn how to roller blade
075. watch the last episode of buffy the vampire slayer so lame!
076. teach teddy a new trick
077. wake up in time to make and have breakfast everyday for a week
078. eat an entire olive with out making a disgusting face
079. learn how to French braid
080. go on a wine tasting tour
081. learn how to reformat a computer
082. learn to bake .. know at least three staple dessert recipes
083. have dinner at a french restaurant
084. read something by Salman Rushdie
085. go to vegas
086. watch the first season of arrested development
087. visit angkor wat
088. ride a really scary roller coaster
089. see the cherry blossoms at high park
099. make the first move
100. treat my parents to a formal dinner
101. donate $5 to charity for every task left undone

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