
Aug 09, 2009 22:18

So, I really like JD's/The Summit's idea about telling people all the nice things you think of them this week. Except...I'm kinda hesitant about it. Because for some reason most of the times I've tried to really encourage someone, tell them I appreciate them, tell them how awesome they are, etc., they've reacted like I'm some kind of creepy nutjob. So what happens if I set out to encourage people and just end up making them uncomfortable?
And while we're at it, if it's not too awkward to ask: Why that reaction? (I'm especially asking if you're someone who this has happened with, but everyone's thoughts would be good.) I I just bad at putting things forth in a positive way, or does it seem insincere, or does it seem sincere and you just don't want people thinking you are [smart/funny/look nice today/whatever it is I said] or...what? I think part of the reason I usually give up and revert to the sarcasm and snark is the response my attempts at positivity get. I kind of wish I didn't have to.

(And I'm sorry if I seem like an LJ-spammer for always posting all these "Please! Respond to me! I want feedback!" posts, but...I want feedback. This post is a question.)
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