Oct 16, 2008 10:52
Okay. Okayokayokay. I'll post. Seeing that little "you haven't posted in 9 weeks you lazy bitch" is finally starting to get to me.
My chemistry class is so difficult to understand that about 1/3 of the class has withdrawn. It's not that it's difficult, just that it honestly makes no sense. Our teacher is a nice man, sure, but just not so hot on the teaching thing. I passed my EKG reading class with, surprise, an A. Like, an A so good I could have skipped the final. It was kind of pointless to take the class, besides for the fact that it certifies me for something at work. There were a lot of people who didn't really get the EKG stuff. Oh well.
I don't know how much I like my job anymore. I like the work itself, but I've been in this slump of feeling really irritated at my bosses because I feel like they don't give a crap about the techs that work there. It also bothers me that we get paid the same as people who work at Best Buy. A person who does CPR regularly gets paid the same as a guy who sells TVs. The logic just doesn't work out for me. I think it has to do with the fact that I don't want to live here anymore. Like at all. I love my friends, but fuck...this town holds nothing for Daniel and myself. Hell, this STATE holds nothing.
I've been playing a lot of games. As per usual. I think Daniel would really like to play more games too, but he gets distracted and doesn't want to start something. I so don't feel that way...and games shouldn't feel like an obligation anyway. I never think, "Oh man, I should dedicate x amount of time to this game STAT." Games are fun. Sometimes hardcore gamers forget that.
I watch anime when I get bored. Currently, Rozen Maiden is being watched regularly. I keep downloading like 2 series after finishing 1. Thank goodness I have an external hard drive.
We went to El Paso last night, played DDR, and watched Quarantine. That movie...was absolutely poop. Oh man. I want to go to a movie and not see a total stinko at some point. This is why we Netflix; we can watch GOOD movies.