May 21, 2008 11:31
The last month has been absolutely filled with excitement and new things. I went to Colorado/Texas (as stated in my last entry) to visit family. Went fishing, caught a fish, ate said fish, apologized to said fish, and thanked him for the tasty meal. It's so awkward hanging out with your divorced parents in the same area, because they both want as much time with you as possible and you only have so much. I ended up driving what I thought was an absurd amount of mileage, going from NM to CO, then back down to NM. Then I realized what driving REALLY was.
For the last week, Daniel and I were driving across the western half of the country. For reference, Wyoming is a lame, lame state with a whole lot of plains and nothingness. Idaho, on the other hand, was a surprisingly great place with amazing french fries (and "fry sauce"). Spell check doesn't believe me that french is a word. We spent a lot of random time finding DDR machines, like the one in Pocatello that's a dedicab Supernova 2. It's hard to take high scores on a machine when you're playing with someone like Daniel. :o Eventually, we made it to Seattle and played two (yes, Seattle itself has TWO) Pop'n Music machines. Total blast. Random SN, Extreme, ITG2, and all that business was enjoyed as well. We went to the Seattle aquarium and saw happy otters. Eating seafood on the bay is always a good time too. Maybe I'll go back and visit in the summer. Maaaaaaaybe.
I haven't been to work in like a week and a half because of this vacation. It's weird just idling like this. I have a lot of things to do, but I'm kind of afraid to start them. Like school, I need to get registered (I'm not technically enrolled actually) and that will take some time, plus I owe them money that I shouldn't and I don't know how to fix it. I'm a little overwhelmed by it, so my solution is to ignore it. Probably won't get into the classes I want anyway. Seriously, getting school going again freaks me out. Even typing about it gives me anxiety. Lame sauce.
A side note: I wonder if people don't like me because I'm elitist? Or just because I'm weird?