May 15, 2006 23:14
That run through my head. So many unanswered, left unoticed and drift away with the dust. But with time they appear again to remind you of thier pressence.
Well besides that lump of crap I just spilled right there is nothing new in my life like usual. Still single (in tired of seeing everyone with someone phase). Got into an accident and fucked up my car. Apparently rear ending a ford pick up will not make him move. Huh, wierd.
My birthday is coming up and I don't know what to do? I want to celebrate but don't know where. I want to invite all my friends so we can hang out but it needs to be in a place like T.G.I. Fridays or Benningans for those that aren't of legal age to drink. I also want old friends to meet with new ones you know how that goes right?
I stil suffere from doubt and lack of self confidence when it comes to the opposite sex. I see some potential contestansts that could win the spot of being with me. But I feel that I am just setting myself up for dissapointment like always. Its always something you know, I don't understand. I think things are going good and my way but I just get bitch slapped back into reality. I believe I am destined for failure when it comes to women.
Well its nothing that alcohol can't fix right?