Mar 14, 2007 21:27

I saw it on Sunday with Andrea, K80 and Haylee. This movie was a lot of fun, I could've done without the 'war at home' part but other than that I thought it was great.
Basically I think anybody who's up in arms about historical inaccuracies is a douchebag, as is anybody who considers it racist, pro-bush or anti gay (seriously, what could be more pro-gay than 300 oily half naked guys holding off the rest of the world in the geological equivalent of a giant stone anus?). The movie isn't meant to be a history, it's an action movie.

Still. One thing gets me. Take a look at these depictions of hoplites (greek soldiers) and think about what stands out?
(greek warriors who fought in phalanxes were individually called hoplites)

Yes. You guessed it. NAKED FLOPPY COCK.

These guys, much like myself, fought with their penises hanging out. I, for one, think this movie would have been much better if there had been naked cocks and man-ass in every single shot, if every spinning slash was followed by the telltale "thwack" of penis slapping against inner thigh and every shot of men behind a phalanx wall showed a row of clenched asses. They could call it "300: The Dick's everywhere eidition". I would watch that shit. That shit is manly. How's THAT for homo-eroticism?
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