"...6 bad broads flying in at nine" big tymers rule.

Jun 06, 2002 09:54

i just took this on here so that people wouldnt have to have it clutter their friends page.

1. First name: ***adam***
2. Middle name: ***john***
3. Last Name: ***grandmaison***
4. Nicknames: grammy, adam22
5. City: the great, ever strong, nashua new hampshire
6. Age: 18
7. Sex: Male
8. Birthday: november 24th 1983
9. Zodiac Sign: sagitarius
10. Siblings: one sister, sarah. and of course, all the SOLID BROTHAS, you know who you are.
11. Pets: none, id like a cat when i live somewhere other than here.
12. Hair color: Brown, died black
13. Eye Color: bright eyes blue
14. Height: 6'3'' . thats tall, but i usually dont feel tall.
15. Who do you like? i like all my friends who i ride with, all my solid brothers, and i like some wmmmmmmen, mainly the team.
16. Hair Length: short, not really sure if im going to do anything to it, i cant decide.
17. Do you find yourself attractive? i think im an allright looking guy, im no joe klamka, but i still find myself good looking .
18. Do you think you are cute? hes right, that is for girls.
19. Are you ugly? nah
20. Shoe Size: 14
21. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend ? no no
22. Do you shave? i do, shaving is a pain in the ass if you do it very regularly, but i do it like... once every few days, so its not too bad.
23. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? ill be doing a modified version of what im doing now: riding my bike, hanging out with girls, and being extremely happy with my life.
24. Did you come on to your crush or did she come onto you? i dont want to be associated with the term "crush", but yes, like most guys i do occasionally get a girl who i think is so awesome, that i just have to see whats going on, and although this is rare, i will usually come onto the girl, subtely, but not slowly, you have to be quick, but not in a hurry. its a rotten science.
25. Do your crushes have a clue you're crushing? hmm... yeah, probably.
26. Where do you like to shop the most? for clothes, good will, eastern boarder, and a very very special shop that i cannot tell anyone about due to its greatness and amazing levels of large black dicks.
27. Do you think your fashion is cool? fashion is fascism, but i mean... obviously you know in your head what you think looks good, so yeah, i think that people making themselves look a way that they like is great, as long as it doesnt turn into the kind of thing where they just drop their whole paycheck on some cheesy t shirts that have a silly logo or whatever. i like style, not name brands and class structure fashion.
28. Do you have a/any piercing(s)? no way jose stuart
29. If not, what do you want pierced? nothing
30. Do you have a tattoo? not yet
31. Do you do drugs? occasionally i smoke weed, but that is it.
32. Do you drink? i do not. i do enjoy drinking a beer or two, but not to get drunk, just because it makes me feel cool, and it tastes ok sometimes.
33. Who are your best friends? hmm... i would say my official like, best friends are probably schueler, jared lajoie, sean peragene, adam tardiff, and joe klamka, but i have a lot of people who i hang out with a lot, other than them, and anyone who i would call my friend is definetly the best, because i love all my friends to death.
34. What kinds of shampoo and/or conditioner do you use? no clue.
35. What sport (s) do you play? bmx all the way.
36. What are you afraid of? being unhappy. i dont think about it, but my main fear is that i will end up having to do something to make a living that i dont want to do, and that prohibits me from being myself. but thats my choice right there, and i will make sure it never happens.
38. How many phone lines are in your house? 1
39. How many TV's do you have in your house? 3
41. Who are you talking to right now? no one, its early.
42. What time is it? nine thirty seven am
43. Do you have your own phone line? no
44. What's your phone number? haha, i dont know about that.
46. What shoes do you wear? black mike valelly etnies
47. What clothes do you sleep in? boxers, sometimes a t shirt.
48. What cars does your family own? a 2002 accord that my mom refuses to rice out, my dad has some truck, and i have a buick regal.
49. Who is the last person who called you? sean owen maybe?
50. Where do you want to get married? i dont care.
51. If you could have 2 wishes what would they be? man... i thought of a bunch of things, but i think that with each one, something else in my life would be lost, so i guess i wouldnt wish for anything.
52. Who is the hottest guy/girl in your school? i honestly think lauren enman is one of the hottest things i have ever seen. there are some other girls in our school who are beautiful, but i dont know most of them. obviously every member of the team is fantasticly good looking.
53. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? i love my imperfections.
54. Who do you hate? no one, life's too short.
55. What is your biggest regret? haha... i cant regret anything ive done, but i've definetly done some dumb, dumb things.

56. Color: black
57. Number: 666
58. Band(s)/singers: eminem, talib, jealous sound, piebald, slayer, motorhead, and a million emo/indie/punk bands.
59. Brand(s): s&m, etnies and little devil are all excellent as far as bmx. as far as other stuff, i really dont know enough to say.
60. Article of Clothing: hmm. i found some shirt at the good will that i like a lot, its just a flanel, button up.

61. Old school rap song: eazy e- niggas my height dont fight

62. TV show: simpsons, howard stern, blind date, fifth wheel, shipmates.

63. Food(s): anything delicious and vegitarian. i love these pad thai things i get from the co - op so much.

64. Fast food restaurant? preferably none, but i guess i have to give burger king props for rocking the veggie burgers.
65. Girl Names: what does this mean?
66. Boy Names: this stinks.
67. Nail polish: nope
68. Subject in school: art.
69. Pasttime: getting pumped up.
70. Radio Stations: 88.9, 91.5, 94.5, 100.7, 104.1, 103.3
71. CD or Tape: possibly "kill at will" by ice cube.
72. Animal: vicki, the lion
73. Stories: i dont know man.
74. Childhood memory: tattling on josh grandmaison for smoking butts.

[No question 75-80 I guess...]

Have you ever...
81. Gotten mad at someone for something they did in a dream?: how could you do that???
82. Made someone cry? girls, my mom, probably some other ones.
83. Gotten a really long hug that you didn't want to end? i usually dont want any hugs to end.
84. Bungee Jumped? no
85. Went movie hopping? what the fuck is that
87. Ran from the cops? sooooo much.
88. Have you ever thought about being gay? every day.
89. Stole Something? soooooooo much in the past. that hobby is gone.
90. Had a wet dream? yeah, its fun. i wish i could have one every night.
91. Tried to kill yourself? nope
92. Made yourself throw up? yeah, but its never worked.
93. Gone skinny dipping? yeah, but only so i could see girls naked, haha.
94. Been In Love? Yes
95. What is your definition of love? i knew i was in love when i started to not be so sure answer the question to myself "what would you rather have, her or your bike?". i never answered it, greg walsh instructed me not to, but the fact that i was thinking about it made me realize i was done. totally in love. but things fall apart, and ill always have the memories.
96. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no
97. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend? no way.
98. Lost your best friend to growing up? yeah, but i gained back a lot of them.
99. Beef Tongue or Liver? carrot
100. Chicago traffic or Chicago sales tax? why
101. Lying to a friend or them finding out about it? neither, friends dont have to lie to each other.
102. Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie? tim catreau
103. Hurling on your date or date hurling on you? i think i could get into the vomit fetish thing. haha.
104. Having your Tonsils or appendix removed? havent done either.
105. Getting abducted by a UFO or LFO? i respect boy bands, they make a lot of money , so i guess id like to chill with UFO, and plus, they like larry bird, and hes my nigga, so i guess they are probably cool.

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