Imperial SaGa
announced a new "Role System" coming to the game, probably named after roles in Scarlet Grace.
It looks pretty neat, like you'll be able to customize your characters more... but also stressful because it seems like you'll have to choose paths. Hopefully they are transparent and different enough that it's easy to make the decision. And hopefully it doesn't try to like... randomize which one you get influenced by how you fight or something lol...
I spent like all day yesterday grinding X_X but I got all my reds 'cleared out' and I was able to upgrade my blacksmith to Rank 9. But I had to spend pretty much everyone, so I'll be nowhere near Rank 10 :\ I was really hoping to get closer than that.
But Boston will have finished studying his jutsu tonight, and I'll probably get 'stuck' in the current event soon, so I might start training him soon. Or maybe just wait for the next event to start.
Pretty much the pattern seems to be that there's a Quest Event that lasts two weeks, then halfway through it, a Combat or Trials Event will start, while you can continue to work on the Quest Event if you want. That will last the last week of the Quest Event, then both will end at the same time, and a new Quest Event starts. Combat and Trials Events seem to alternate as well. So since we'll be finishing the current Quest and Trials with the next maintenance, and a new Quest is starting, we'll probably have a Combat event start after a week.
I really don't like Combat too much lmao (it's the pvp thing). But you get healed after doing them, so it might be a good time to train Boston... but it would also be nice to have Boston available for the Combat itself...
Also, I thought it would be completely impossible, but I saw someone has already completed and uploaded an entire SCC playthrough of SaGa SCARLET GRACE (with Urpina). One nice thing about SGSG is that like unsaga, you don't even have to use the protagonist, so you could do a SCC with any character in the game.
Not that I'm planning on doing a SCC any time soon, or even maybe at all, but it's just cool that you can XD
I've sifted through all the pics of Scarlet Grace now up to Leonard's ending, so I just have to get around to writing the entries for them.