I got unsaga kr todayyyyyyyyyy. I was not expecting it for a while. I was looking on ebay to see if anyone had pictures of the inside of the Scarlet Grace book, and stumbled upon the Korean version of unsaga for like... $6, so I had to get it.
It came today unexpectedly and I've been playing around in it and taking screencaps to show comparisons and stuff, as well as took some quick photos of the physical stuff, too.
Though the first thing I want to mention is the Korean version has KOREAN VOICE ACTING. This was really surprising -- other Korean games I've played had English voice acting, or in more rare cases, no voices or Japanese voices. But they actually recorded Korean voice for this game! That's awesome!
If you don't know, Japanese products were banned in Korea for quite a while after the Occupation (understandably), so Korea didn't ever really get TV video game consoles until the ban was lifted, so the first game consoles there were the PS2 generation. But even then, attitudes toward Japanese stuff was still pretty negative, so a lot of games took localization assets from the US versions, like voice work, so the games wouldn't have Japanese content.
And around this time, the practice was pretty common, especially for Square games. Final Fantasy X and X-2 had English voices in the Korean version, and those came out around the same time as UNLIMITED:Saga (the US and EU versions come with FFX-2 previews.)
Anyway, Korean voice acting is super cool and I was really excited about this. I wasn't expecting it AT ALL, so the fact that a game like UNLIMITED:Saga got special treatment (though probably just because it doesn't have a ton of voiced lines overall) makes me pretty happy.
recorded a video of all the characters' introduction scenes so you can hear the voices. Henri's voice is deep, which is super weird.
Anyway, time for a bunch of pics!
The box art for the Korean and Japanese versions are pretty much identical. The only difference on the cover is that there is a tiny "Unlimited Saga" written in Hangul in the corner of the Korean version, and an EA logo in the other corner (because the game was published by EA of Korea). Oh, and there's an "Ages 12 and Up" thing in the corner, too, on the Korean version.
The US box is really different, with a brown texture background, the logo flipped around, and little crops of extreme closeups of the protags.
I don't have the European version of the game (but I want ittttt) but it's very different -- it has a cool textured red background instead of the white like the Asian versions, and no little character heads. And the back is different, too. And it has a different manual (IDK if it's the same as the Asian ones?), and it even comes with two discs: the game disc, and a separate DVD with extended trailers for Final Fantasy X-2. The US version's FFX-2 preview is actually on the game disc itself, and you can choose to watch it from the main menu.
The back of the box is the same -- it's just a text swap between Japanese and Korean. The little screencaps are actually different, but very similar. It seems like they tried to get into the same situation as the Japanese one and then take a screencap. An interesting thing about the Korean screencap with Laura and Henri talking to Basil is that the 'inactive' speech bubble is dimmed in color, and there's like a silvery-blue box behind the talking character. This doesn't actually happen in the game. The Japanese screencap is the exact same point in the dialogue, but it doesn't have those display differences, and appears as the actual game does.
The back of the US box has this embarrassing mess on it... I've mentioned before that when this game was localized here, they realized it was a really difficult game, and decided to market it as an ~edgy masochistic challenge~. This led to posters with slogans like ITS UR FUNERAL. and crap, and the back of the box just saying... this, with no real description of the game.
the screenshots on the side are different from the Asian ones, and there are even four of them! In fact, all four showcase things that aren't shown on the Japanese and Korean packaging -- there's a screen of the player witnessing an event on the map (when the boss jumps down from the music hall in the Sunken City subadventure lol), a screen of the battle reel spinning, a screen of one of the FMV cutscenes, and a screen of the growth panel from the status menu.
And here are the ... bindings? What do you even call this part? The... ends? Side thingies? Anyway, as you can see, the game's title is stylized differently between the different copies. UNLIMTIED is clearly always capitalized, though, especially made apparent since "Saga" is not all-caps on the English version, so it's meant to be stylized UNLIMITED in all caps. The colon between the two words only exists in the Japanese materials, but I think it looks better somehow with the colon in there (UNLIMITED:Saga) lolol. So I'm styling it incorrectly just to be a weeb or something idk...
Anyway, the Korean one is just all caps, even though they do have a hangul version of the title on the cover, so I don't know why they didn't use that.
Inside the casing, we have game discs! Since the outer packaging was nearly identical between the Japanese and Korean versions, I was expecting the game disc to look the same, too. But it's not! The Korean one is purple! Of the three, it's definitely my favorite. The Japanese one is the same design as the Korean one, but it's a kind of frosted mirror background (???). And then the US version was changed to look more like the box art.
The Japanese and Korean manuals are pretty much identical, just in different languages. The only difference is the back, where the Japanese version has several pages of ads, including ones for Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X-2.
The Korean version just has... a notes page. Which is pretty hilarious because I can't even remember when these stopped being a thing in the US?
There's also a page that has a little contact information for EA of Korea, and the rest of the page is just blank...
I'm not even going to show the content of the US manual because it's terrible. There's very little information, random wrong information, and typos and grammar errors and stuff. It's completely different from the layout of the others, too, which have a lot of pretty stuff and are well-designed. The US one is like they gave the job of creating the manual to an unpaid intern who lied on their application for the position.
The US manual cover has art of all the characters with Laura and Henri featured in the center. The Japanese and Korean manual cover are identical, and feature the landscape image of the ceremonial fires from the Festival of Regina Leone.
And that's about all I have to say about the packaging. Now to talk about the game itself!
One of the first curiosities I had was how the intro would be changed. The intros between the three are all pretty similar -- the only real difference is the text that floats by during these parts. The US version kept the Japanese text alongside the English text, though some of the English text was changed to sound more natural ("Heritage of Golden Age" was changed to "The Legacy of the Golden Age," for example).
The Korean version kept the English text from the Japanese version (rather than using the updating US text -- and as you'll see in a bit, they did have access to the US version materials when localizing this), but replaced the Japanese text with Korean text.
Starting the game, the default controls are the same as the Japanese version. The US version swaps the circle and cross buttons like most US games do, but strangely also swaps the triangle and square button. Fortunately there is key config in the Options menu, so I can make all of them have the same controls.
The map menu uses the US version's text sprites for the options. I kind of feel sorry for people who don't know English well enough and have to fumble through that menu... The Japanese version uses Japanese text. And if they bothered to create the stylized text for the intro and stuff, couldn't they have made these few little words on the menu? This is the only stuff in the game that's in English, other than the "New Game" and stuff on the title menu, but that's in English in all the versions, even the Japanese version.
The map reels use the Japanese style, with more minimalistic-styled icons of black crosses and bombs with red circles.
For the name of combos in battle, the Korean version uses the full name of everything (similar to the English versions -- the Japanese version actually has like combo morphemes for each art depending on its position in the combo, and makes a unique name with every combination).
But in the Korean version, they take out the spaces between the names of the arts so that it looks like one big word, I guess. So instead of like "Thunderbringer Hummingbird Doppelgangers Knife Throw" it would say like... "Thunderbringerhummingbirddoppelgangersknife Throw." It doesn't remove the spaces that already exist (like, in arts that have more than one word for their name) so there are random spaces in it and it looks awkward.
There's another sort of annoying thing (though it was probably inevitable, so it's understandable) with the text, not related to combos. Whenever there's some kind of generic/reused text where just the names of things swap around (for example "Edel released the Fairy Bow's 'Random Arrowshot' ability!" or "Found a Bestial Staff!" or anything where the text is the same, just the names of items/abilities/whatever swaps... the particles don't change with the names of things, so everything just says something like 가(이). They change depending on the sound the previous word ends with normally, so it's similar to using "a" vs "an" in English.
So like, imagine if the game was constantly like "Henri found a (an) Wooden Knife in his (her) treasure chest!" in English. It's... annoying to look at. But it was probably not possible or at least way too difficult to reprogram the way the game processed that text so that each word would be able to have metadata showing which particle was appropriate and stuff like that...
And then the other major graphical thing I noticed was the symbols for the growth panel. They use the same little symbols as the US version.
The Japanese version uses kanji instead of symbols, with Skills getting blue characters and Elementals getting pink.
I also want to take this moment to point out how great the typeface is in the Japanese version. The text is very stylized and has a sort of hand-brushed look to it, though it's very neat and big so it's easy to read.
Big, stylized text is used throughout the game, and it's really great. It looks really nice. The Korean version does at least have a neat-looking typeface, but it's nothing particularly special, and sometimes hard to read the more cramped characters. The English version uses a generic text like Times New Roman or something lmao.
Just look at this!! So cool! At least in the English version they didn't decide to go with that weird chicken scratches/wood carving typeface they use on the back of the box... I'd rather have comic sans lmfao.
The dialogue speech bubble text is a different style in the Japanese version, too. It's kind of bubbly and casual, like as if it were written by a teen girl with a felt-tipped pen. It's kinda hard to explain, really, and I didn't take a cap of it.
I played a couple adventures in both Ruby and Ventus's scenario just to see what stuff was like. In Ventus's game, on the story carrier mission to deliver the letter, I got four treasure slimes, and three of them dropped tablets. I don't know if the tablet drop rate was increased, or if I was just really lucky. I haven't really a big enough sample size to tell haha. But wow. I even got an Earth one, so that's great for Ventus!
And speaking of "Ventus," the Korean version seems to use the Japanese names. So we have like... Cash, Hiroyuki, Tooth, Vent... Mythe is spelled as "Myth" but the Hangul makes it clear it's intended to have the long 'I' sound like the Japanese one. (Random aside: in Final Fantasy X-2, Paine's name is pronounced like "Pine," not "Pain," in both the Japanese and Korean versions XD)
I noticed some of the game balance changes made for the US version were also present in the Korean version. Aura and Sharpeye do not require reel checks like they do in the Japanese version. I don't know about the change in the appearance of guns, but I haven't seen a gun yet in the Korean version. When I play the Japanese version, I constantly find guns everywhere. It's like going into a Trump voter's house... I remember playing Laura's scenario when I first got the Japanese version and I had like 9 guns before I ever even got to Vaftom.
Other random things: Hiro and Iskandar's Korean voices are like... nearly identical and I can't tell them apart. I wonder if it's just the same voice actor?!
Also, the narration at the beginning of Armic's scenario is done by Armic himself, instead of being a generic unrelated narrator. Armic's voice is as painful in Korean as it is in Japanese, too. Nothing beats the adorable Armic voice by Tiffany Grant!
Tiffon's voice is CUTE AS ALL HECK and it makes me love her like... a bunch more.
Also Korean doesn't have an "f" sound naturally, so to emulate this in loan words, they usually use some kind of H+W sound (so they say like "whiting" for "fighting") or this like HARD, ASPIRATED P SOUND and it's pretty funny. Like imagine normal P sound at the beginning of an English word, but like... stress the aspiration so it sounds harsher. And then say stuff like Pinal Pantajy. It's very fun.
Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because Tiffon's name becomes "Tea-Poon" in Korean and make sure you really make that "poon" harsh. (Fugar, on the other hand, is "Huga")
Ruby's voice is super annoying and weird. Judy is very cute. I can't wait to hear her dad kehehehe. I think I will probably continue playing Ventus now and then until I at least recruit Vearst and Thomas because I'm really curious what they sound like.
Also, I feel like in the English version, treasure slimes are just called "Treasure Slime" in battle, but in the Korean version they're called "Treasure Chest?" ... though it might actually be something like that in English, too. I hardly ever look at enemy names. They're tiny and in the corner and only when you're selecting your action and hovering over them, so they're usually on the screen for less than a second, and they're not where my eyes are focused because I'm looking at what I'm actually doing.
Anyway I keep meaning to look at the Korean names of enemies but forgetting XD Doubleheader is called "Twin Head" lmfao. Like, it's English. XDD Guckies are called Guckie, but in both Korean and Japanese the "u" is pronounced long, so it's like... Gooky XD Pronouncing it in Korean is the cutest IMO lol. It's also very similar to the word for 'cookie' in both languages, too. XD They should have called it Gookie in English so it would look like "cookie." But I guess they didn't want it to look like "gook." >_>;;
I was using a dictionary to look up stuff related to battle so I'd know what I was doing, because I certainly don't know Korean words for like... marcasite and quartz and cypress and stuff, and like... "double stab" or whatever LOL. But I was kinda ignoring the story because I was mostly just wanting to play around for right now, and I already know the story anyway. It would take too long to look all that up.
Though it's nice because you can pick stuff up through context a lot easier. I talked about this in a previous post, but in Japanese you can learn a word through context and have NO IDEA how to say it, and then when you encounter it in a different context or the same characters in other words, your knowledge of the other word or other context is completely useless LOL.
But with Korean, of course, if the character finds a treasure chest and says "I found a treasure chest!" and the only word I don't know is "treasure chest," I can just... READ THE WORD AND LEARN IT. I don't have to look it up, and now I know how to say it and everything. I guess that's normal for like... most languages, but I'm used to Japanese where words are like... who knows how the hell you're supposed to say it and your guess is probably wrong somehow.
But yeah, funtimes XD I was going to play Scarlet Grace today, but I ended up playing Dragon Quest thing and then doing this unsaga thing, and watching Hello!Station and now it's like... 1AM. I might go lay in bed and play Scarlet Grace for a bit though, until I get tired.