
Dec 13, 2016 23:00

I need to post here more lol. I was all like YEAH ACTIVE LJ AGAIN and then now I never post.

I guess firstly I should say that I'm upset about the massacre in Aleppo earlier. I felt sick reading about it this morning. I don't really have anything to say about it other than it is very sad and hurts my soul and I'm afraid for the future of humanity. But I feel like I need to mention it at least...

I don't even remember what I've done since the last post but I've finished Pokey Sun and I'm almost done with the Pokedex. I just need a few exclusive things from the other version but no one else I know playing that version is near being able to get me those things lol. I don't really want to go on until I get them though because shiny charm and I want my eggs to have better shiny chance.

That's about it really, as far as games.

I haven't been working on the programming tut here because after getting pretty far into it and wanting to change the order of a couple articles, I realized quickly how horrible it would be to make changes in this format the more pages that existed.

So I'm working on creating an actual web site to host them. So I'm still working on it, but not in the way of creating content right now. So the uh 'test' release of the first project will be postponed a bit. Though it shouldn't take me too long to get it up and running now.

I know the very minimum about HTML (pretty much what I learned by being an LJ user lol and a tiny bit more from building a little web applet that was mostly JavaScript once...) and almost nothing about CSS (I just... understand it in concept but have never actually tried using it). I knew nothing at all about PHP (fortunately it's a lot like JS and now I'm wishing I would have just went with nodejs, but it's nice to learn new stuff I guess) and I only understand the syntax of SQL (like, as in making databases or whatever dynamically with it) but not how to actually implement it functionally. So on top of learning 4 programming languages all at once, I also had to teach myself how to use IIS to locally host the site for testing, including configuring PHP for it which was a huge hassle.

Now I'm wondering if I should have learned ASP instead of PHP or used server-side JS instead... it's all.. very... exhausting hahaha.

I've adjusted to Prozac pretty quickly. I don't feel like I'm having really any positive effects from it yet but I pretty much just had side effects for like two days. Prozacs are really cute, they're like little white teardropish shapes. They are way cuter than Wellbutrin. They're also a lot easier to swallow. they pretty much dissolve since they're not SR so they just get soft and I can chew it if I have to (I haven't had to though)

On KhanAcademy I've made a ton of progress. I finished all of algebra and trigonometry. Now I'm doing pre-calculus. Which includes probability and statistics which I hate. If Jimmy, Sally, Sarah, and Billy all want to sit in the theatre but Sally and Billy won't sit next to each other because they had a fight, how many seating arrangements can you make??? LOL. I really hate it... I think I'm getting the hang of it, though.

In Imperial SaGa, I ended up spending my Kr on an event where you could get Dantarg or Kzinssie. I got neither. I am very upset lol. I've been listening to science podcasts while grinding though which is good because I get to listen to things and the grinding doesn't feel tedious at all. Since I did buy two races with the kr, I got 22 characters. I'm keeping one, and the other 21 I'm going to grind to crowns and dump them in the jutsu facility. With the kind of strength Doll is displaying, I think that once I finally get access to the top jutsu, she will become very powerful... as will jutsu in general. It seems like late-game and with enough effort, jutsu will start to outshine waza. Maybe. I don't know. With waza you have to worry about accuracy so it takes a lot longer to power them up, but the base power starts higher. So I feel like with jutsu once you get them powered up to around waza level of strength, they will power up faster since you don't have to do accuracy and mess with the give-and-take of accuracy and power. You just constantly boost power.

SaGa SCARLET GRACE is coming out tomorrow. I don't know how long it will take for me to get my copy. I paid for the cheapest shipping which I think can take like... a month? Plus at this time of year it will probably take longer... so... I shouldn't get too excited about playing it any time soon lmao XD

Also I need to add Kahuna Hala and Buzzwole to the humpchart lolol.

com: web development, study: math, games: saga scarlet grace, study: programming, games: pokémon 7

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