Weekend Recap

Sep 27, 2010 13:01

This weekend was a pretty good one. Shamelessly ducked games on Friday to go play Civ 5. Got a game going with my friend Joe (who bought me the game for my birthday) and had fun with it, although we realized we chose too easy of a setting.

Saturday, I did a few hours of 'Eve Chores' and then played Civ for 7 hours straight. At 6:45pm I had a headache, and rode my bike down to Grumpys. Had fun at Chad's birthday thing, although spent money I didn't intend to. Covered my bar tab (35$) (this included food) and my sisters *(16$). welp. Played alot of Rockband. Eric Hillman was there, and trying to convince me to do some podcast with his buddy, who also runs the rock band. Ps, Bass on Jane's Addiction is HARD on Medium. Hurrah for No fail mode.

Rode home, at 1am. Chatted with internet buddies. Woke up around 4am with the 'oh god, why didn't I drink water' sweats and shakes. Didn't throw up, but goddamn. need to drink water after bunches of cider. Stupid Grumpys only has Crispen on tap now, which is sickly sweet. Need to figure out another drink there I guess. Or get canned.

Sunday I took it easy, played solo civ, more space chores, more civ. Nap. Laundry. I was kinda mean to a guy in multiplayer, but he was being irritating and I didn't feel like being nice. I muted him, invaded him, and when he conv'd me, I said, no, really - you are sort of irritating. I feel a bit bad, but I had never met him, and he was trying very hard to Impress The Girl, which makes me want to stab people. Made stir fry.

Need to get started on my Halloween, Arkham Nights costume. Axe Man had plaster of paris gauze, like that old stuff used to make casts. Picked up some of that, want to make a tentacled mask. Friend suggested using a hard hat underlayer to support it better. Would rock to have something that works around my glasses. Have vague ideas of Red LEDs and more drinking straw squiddy bits.

Got info on the zombie pub crawl, too on Sat. chatting with the Bar Manager of Grumpies, he was making up some specials for it.
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